White House meltdown also hurts U.S. business

Re: “Trump, Vance berate Zelenskyy” (Page A1, March 1).

I doubt that Donald Trump and JD Vance realize that the meltdown with Ukraine is not just bad optics but also bad business. America’s requirement of mineral deposits that Elon Musk needs to make batteries is now in jeopardy. Secondly, America gives arms to Ukraine and money to pay for them. This could have allowed Trump to transfer taxpayer money to profit his buddies in the war machine — also in jeopardy.

I get it that Trump has to pay back Russia for helping him win, but how is this a good deal from the world’s greatest dealmaker?

— Ashok Agarwal, San Jose

White House meeting is no place for reality TV

Re: “Trump, Vance berate Zelenskyy” (March 1).

“This will make great TV.” Where did Donald Trump think he was? On a reality show where the object is to “win” even if it means betraying your team? JD Vance told us in his book how, growing up, he changed personas to fit each new “Daddy” as his mother changed husbands. With Trump and Elon Musk, he can only be relevant by being outrageous.

Then there’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the greatest leader in the world today. He’s put his life on the line for his country, bringing courage to fight a larger attacker while not giving up on on democracy. And he came in good faith with “an offer we couldn’t refuse” — a business deal to provide minerals needed for technology. He was ambushed, blowing up the greatest deal the United States has been offered in a long time — for “a good show?”

— Theresa Rieve, San Jose

Nation’s future deserves better than Trump

Over 250 years ago, our Founding Fathers created a government unlike any prior or since, not perfect but highly functional and able to work even in a world that could not have been conceived in the 1700s. The government of Donald Trump disagrees. They are determined to destroy it all solely because they think they can. I am worried. My generation and the ones that follow should have fear.

The president has expressed an interest in serving a third term to “finish the job” even though the Constitution prohibits it. His history shows that the Constitution and laws mean little to him and his followers.

Now is the time to act. Our legislators and courts must be strong. As a country, we must guarantee that the rule of law is upheld. This is a very sad time in our history. Future generations deserve better.

— Norman Orloff, San Jose

Trump has nation adrift morally

Re: “Despite Trump’s lies, Ukraine support critical” (Page A6, Feb. 25).

In just three weeks in office, President Trump has illustrated that he hasn’t been able to accommodate the Russians by shutting the Ukraine War down in one day as promised.

Furthermore, he is adding a moral stain on American liberty by asking Ukraine for half of its mineral wealth in exchange for American arms. American liberty is not a mercenary cause.

Regardless of our support for Israel, it’s time to get on the right side of morality.

— Akeem Mostamandy, San Jose

U.S. government is not a business

Many have said they wished the government would run like a business. Most envisioned a responsible person who understood the purpose of the business and the resources and activities required to make it work and be successful.

That businessperson would be fiscally responsible, using money in the right places to maintain goodwill and quality people and meet business demands. Such a leader would establish a healthy business by seeking staff with various expertise and backgrounds, as well as valuing employee contributions, knowledge, the community and customers. Necessary cuts would be conducted with a thorough understanding of the consequences to the mission of the business, its necessary resources, and loss to people and the community.

The mission statement for the U.S. is the first sentence of the Constitution. It is a quick read. I remember when the president and Congress seemed to understand what it said.

— Lora Riopel, Cupertino

Trump is leading U.S. to moral cesspool

Re: “America’s most shameful vote ever at U.N.” (Feb. 27).

It is indeed shameful that the United States voted against a resolution calling for Russia to take accountability for its war crimes in Ukraine.

It is also shameful that the Trump government wants to set aside $50 billion to set up camps for immigrants. My question is, what is it going to take to get us out of the moral cesspool into which Trump is leading this country?

— Terry McCaffrey, Palo Alto

Israel’s aggression is cause for re-evaluation

Re: “Israeli military expands operation in West Bank, deploys tanks into region” (Page A4, Feb. 24).

I grew up in a Zionist household with my Canadian parents teaching me that Islam was out to destroy Judaism. As a lifelong Zionist, I would be the first in line to throw vitriol behind closed doors.

Something has happened to me lately. I’m tired of Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians. Judaism and Zionism are akin to Islam and the Nation of Islam, or Christianity and the Klan. It takes a lot to admit this, and many of my peers are also starting to open their eyes.

— Kendra Hoffman, Los Gatos