Did you know the average person spends 36 minutes a day on Facebook?

I read this statistic recently along with other research by Cal Newport (author of “Deep Work”) that the average person spends two full hours a day on social media sites. Other time study research suggests the average employee at work wastes 12 minutes a day. If the employee is in a factory situation, this may reach two hours per day of wasted time.

When people say they are busy or they don’t have time, is that really the case? Time studies research continues to dispute those statements.

In sales what would happen if the salesperson invested more time on qualifying sales leads and less time on social media? David Brock, in his blog “Partners in Excellence,” describes how top sales professionals invest their time in qualifying their sale leads.

For other small business professionals, how much time do they devote to improving their own knowledge and skills. What would happen in these professional individuals redirected that time on social media to reading a book, attending a continuing education class or seminar? Possibly even taking an art class for personal enjoyment?

Over the years I have observed countless professionals from financial advisers to Realtors to even physicians rush in the last 30 days to complete their required continuing education units. In some instances, there are time barriers between classes meaning one must wait a week or two before taking the next required class.

Time redirection may begin by changing how one thinks of time. First, this change may start with “time management.” Since time is a constant, how can one manage time? Time management is in reality an oxymoron. No one can manage time. What can be done is better self-management.

Another change begins with how we think of time being used. So often time is described as spent. When we spend something, we exchange something of value usually money for something we want or need. Looking at a bank statement, spending is a negative in that it subtracted from the balance.

However, if we start to think about time being an investment, then we may begin to change our behaviors. What activities generate for us the best results? What activities move us closer to our goals both personally and professional? I sincerely doubt few individuals have a goal to “engage in social media for two hours a day?”

Leanne Hoagland-Smith is an author, speaker and executive coach. Her weekly column explores issues that impact the bottom line of firms with fewer than 100 employees. She can be reached at 219-508-2859.