Interesting events coming up in Marin
• San Jose Middle School’s drama program performs “The Little Mermaid Jr.” at 6 tonight at Marin School of the Arts’ Center for Performing Arts at 625 Arthur St. in Novato. Admission is $10 to $25. The show runs through Sunday. For more information, to buy tickets and for a complete list of dates and times, visit shorturl.at/ZfCLW.
• The Mill Valley Public Library and Marin Stargazers host a star party with telescopes available for public use, including the library’s new StarSense Explorer telescope, at 6 p.m. Saturday at Hauke Park in Mill Valley. Admission is free with RSVP. For more information and to RSVP, visit millvalleylibrary.libcal.com.
• The Marin American Indian Alliance’s third annual powwow features Indigenous dancing, food and vendors from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. March 23 at the College of Marin’s gym at 835 College Ave. in Kentfield. Admission is free. Go to marinamericanindianalliance.org.
— Daniel Bromfield, Marin Independent Journal