There are just over 100 days until the election, and Donald Trump is in a bad place.

The former president is getting mad at his television and firing off random, late-night rage posts from his social media account.

“Lyin’ Kamala Harris,” the 78-year-old Republican nominee posted about his 59-year-old opponent a few minutes before midnight on Monday, “has absolutely terrible pole numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named DONALD J. TRUMP!”

Were those North Pole numbers or South Pole numbers? The brilliant young man didn’t say.

Two hours earlier, Trump reposted back-to-back messages from supporters invoking the QAnon slogan for when members of the deep state will be rounded up in mass arrests: “Nothing can stop what is coming.”

He pined for his former opponent. “It’s not over! Tomorrow Crooked Joe Biden’s going to wake up and forget that he dropped out of the race,” he posted, and then, the next day, “It’s a new day and Joe Biden doesn’t remember quitting the race.”

He fumed about the turncoats at Fox News making him “fight battles that I shouldn’t have to fight.” From the Very Stable Genius’s jumbled mind tumbled conspiratorial thoughts (“Biden never had Covid”), vengeful thoughts (he will sue the Justice Department!), bizarre thoughts (it was his “GREAT HONOR” to “take a bullet for Democracy”) and aggrieved thoughts (Democrats caused the GOP “to waste a great deal of time and money” campaigning against Biden).

A week earlier, after the failed assassination attempt, Trump was supposedly a “changed” man, uniting the country. But now, he poured on the insults: Rep. Jim Clyburn (S.C.), a long-tenured Black Democrat, is “not the brightest bulb”; ABC News, host of the next debate, is “such a joke” and “the home of George Slopadopolus”; Biden is crooked and sleepy; Harris is “Dumb as a Rock.”

And he promoted a lengthy video of himself playing a round with golf pro Bryson DeChambeau. Trump could be heard breathing heavily after hitting his drives, even though he was using a golf cart. “You think Biden can do that?” he asked after landing his ball on the green.

You think we care?

The world has changed overnight, and Trump is going to need a mulligan.

Trump must recognize trouble, for he is backpedaling ever more furiously from Project 2025. “I have nothing to do with, and know nothing about, Project 25,” he protested of the effort by dozens of top Trump lieutenants to craft an agenda for his return to the White House.

At a rally in Charlotte on Wednesday - his first since Biden bowed out - Trump responded to Harris’s tight indictment with a desultory sampling of potential attacks, as though he hadn’t yet found one that would stick. “So now we have a new victim to defeat, Lyin’ Kamala Harris,” he said, mispronouncing her name. “She is a radical left lunatic,” Trump proposed, also calling her a “dopey stiff, the worst,” a “Marxist” and incompetent. He declared that Harris, who is married to a Jew, is “totally against the Jewish people.” He said she supports “the execution of a baby.” He proposed that, under Harris, “every week will bring a never-ending stream of illegal alien rapists, bloodthirsty killers, and child predators to go after our sons and our daughters.” What’s more, he said, she “couldn’t pass her bar exams.”

He revisited the story of the shooting and claimed “record” ratings for the GOP convention. (They were actually low.) He repeated his tired nonsense about the 2020 election being rigged and called the FBI director, whom he appointed, “sick” for testifying that Biden does not seem cognitively impaired.

Trump again garbled words and at one point said he needed to be “getting back to a subject called Kamala” - but then went on for several more minutes about Biden. One moment he was talking about the Islamic State, the next he was claiming Democrats are trying to change the name of the Washington Monument.

Trump left the arena - and returned to his rage posting.

He complained about the polls Fox News was using (apparently they were favorable for “RADICAL LEFT MARXIST” Harris) and protested that the media was treating Biden like “the Late, Great Winston Churchill.” His campaign sent out a statement withdrawing his commitment to debate Harris.

In need of a friend, he called in to “Fox & Friends” to inform them that, with Harris, “I’m dealing against real garbage,” and that he’s doing so well “we don’t need the votes, I have so many votes.”

Yet there appeared to be some doubt, even among friends. Host Steve Doocy asked Trump “whether or not you feel you made the right pick” with Vance. Brian Kilmeade asked if Harris calling him a convicted felon “gets under your skin.”

Trump kept on raging. “Disgusting!” “Weaponized!” “Third World country!” “Banana republic!”

Evidently, he can’t come up with anything else.