
• 28th Street improvements — Pearl to Iris: This project will improve multimodal travel along 28th Street from Pearl to Iris. Northbound 28th and Valmont Road RTD Stop #17992 serving 205 and BOLT routes will be temporarily relocated to just south of the Valmont intersection until Dec. 31.

• 19th Street multimodal improvements: Work will continue to install curb/gutter, sidewalks and buffered bike lanes. 19th will be reduced to one lane with flaggers where work is occurring, until May 30.

• 19th Street and Fourmile Canyon Creek Underpass: Crews will begin replacing the bridge over Fourmile Canyon Creek and construct a bike/pedestrian underpass. Northbound RTD 204 bus stops at Riverside and Upland will be temporarily closed. Work is anticipated to end March 2, 2026.

• 30th Street multimodal improvements: On 30th Street from Colorado to Arapahoe, crews will be adding sidewalk-level protected bike lanes and transit stop improvements, requiring single lane closures as needed on 30th Street. Work is expected to be completed Feb. 11.

• 28th and Colorado protected intersection: This project is to install a protected intersection, sidewalk level protected bike lanes and bus lanes. There will be lane closures where work is occurring, as needed. Expect delays, pedestrian and bike detours when traveling in the area. Work is expected to be completed June 30.

• 63rd waterline replacement: Due to the need to replace two water lines under 63d Street, lane shifts and a full closure of 63rd between Nautilus and 75th will occur for periods of time through June 30. Work hours are 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Boulder County

• 95th Street (Valmont to Lookout roads) reconstruction and flood safety improvements: 95th Street between Valmont and Lookout roads will see significant construction activity lasting through the year. The project will be completed in two phases. The first phase, which is the reconstruction of the roadway, will require daytime, weekday road closures. The second phase, which is the construction of a large new culvert system, will require a full roadway closure. In addition, a new traffic signal and intersection configuration will be created at Lookout Road and 95th Street. Expect daytime, weekday lane shifts with short travel delays. Construction is expected to be completed by December.

• Colo. 119 safety, mobility and bikeway construction: CDOT will begin work on Colo. 119/Diagonal Highway. This project is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2027.

• 120th Street closure: Crews working on the Willoughby Corner Housing Project will close 120th Street between Colo. 7 and Emma Street. The closure will be in place for approximately 10-weeks, weather permitting.

• East County Line Road reconstruction: Public Works will rebuild East County Line Road between Zlaten Drive and St. Vrain Creek in order to widen the road and reduce some of the hills to increase safety for all travelers. The new road will include seven-foot wide paved shoulders in order to connect cyclists and pedestrians to the city of Longmont’s St. Vrain Trailhead. Work will continue through February.


• Fiber installation potholing: Comcast will be potholing on Maple Street and Fifth Street, heading north to Pleasant View Drive, to prepare for fiber installation. Potholing will help identify existing underground utilities to avoid disruptions during installation. This phase is expected to continue through Friday. Most work will be outside the main road.


• County Line Road corridor upgrade project Cheesman to Balcolm closure: The County Line Road corridor upgrade project spans from Kenosha Road to Highway 7 and will occur in smaller segments through January 2025, weather permitting. Southbound traffic will now be rerouted onto Main Street, while northbound traffic will be redirected onto High Street. The speed limit on Main and High Streets will be 25 mph, and fines will be doubled for violations.

• Concrete repairs: Concrete repairs throughout Erie are set to run through Dec. 31, weather permitting. Crews will work on sidewalks, curbs, gutters, drain pans and ADA ramps across various locations. Work hours are 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Roads remain open; follow signs for safety.

• Crack sealant project: Crack sealant work will take place through Friday in the Airpark, Grandview and Vista Ridge neighborhoods. Work will take place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and while the project is underway, certain areas may experience temporary restrictions or delays.

• WCR 7 waterline improvements: The Town of Erie is working on the WCR 7 Waterline Improvements project. This project will install a new transmission waterline to secure the future delivery of potable water, impacting approximately 2.7 miles of WCR 7 and requiring significant traffic changes. Expect full closures between WCR 12 and Colo. 52, and single-lane traffic south to Erie Parkway through August 2025.

• Sheridan Parkway and Ridgeview Drive traffic signal installation: Traffic signal installation at Sheridan Parkway and Ridgeview Drive will continue with phased work through April. Expect occasional lane restrictions 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Two-way traffic will remain open during construction.

• Traffic signage upgrades: In December, the Town of Erie will begin safety upgrades near schools, including new flashing school zone signs and improved signal detection. Expect occasional lane closures and brief delays.