Measure Z tax at cross purpose with SC policy
The Health in All Policies Measure Z is at cross purposes with the city also asking people to ride their bikes and not drive cars unnecessarily. To avoid the added expense from Measure Z’s regressive tax on sugary drinks, many will be driving out of the city more often to make their purchases of these drinks at a lower price. The city has promoted additional driving, along with the taxes, which is not in support of health in all policies regarding the goal of reducing car trips.
— Shelley Hatch, Santa Cruz
Pardon turkeys from Thanksgiving cruelty
Later this month, President Biden will pardon two turkeys at the White House, a symbolic gesture of mercy. Yet, every year in the U.S., over 224 million turkeys endure a far grimmer fate. These gentle birds are raised in overcrowded sheds thick with toxic fumes, their beaks and toes clipped to prevent stress-related aggression.
At just 16 weeks, they are slaughtered — throats slit, bodies dumped into boiling water for feather removal. Meanwhile, their meat, laden with cholesterol and saturated fat, poses health risks to consumers.
But there’s promising news: U.S. turkey production has declined significantly as more Americans embrace plant-based options. This Thanksgiving, let’s celebrate our good fortune with a cruelty-free meal — plant-based roasts, seasonal vegetables, fruits and grains. An internet search for “vegan Thanksgiving” offers delicious, compassionate recipes.
— Preston Daniels, Santa Cruz
Not backing down on issue of RCNV and professor
In my most recent letter to the Sentinel (Nov. 7) I questioned why the Resource Center for Nonviolence would give an award to Christine Hong, who has defended and justified the barbaric attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7. There were two letters in response which attacked me and the Sentinel for publishing my letter. However, neither letter addressed the issue raised. Professor Hong’s writings and comments are a public record and she has made no secret of her opposition to the Jewish state, not just Israeli policies.
Hong has praised Kwame Ture, aka Stokely Carmichael, who has said, “the only good Zionist is a dead Zionist,” and had disavowed nonviolence as a means for social change.
The RCNV has the right to bestow awards on bigots and terrorist sympathizers, but they should at least acknowledge that is what they are doing. Hong and the RCNV are made for each other, but not in the name of nonviolence or peace.
— Gil Stein, Aptos
Social Security, Medicare at risk with Trump
I am shocked and saddened at the resurgence of Trump to the Oval Office. With his Cabinet choices (thus far) and the promise to dramatically cut taxes, I am concerned about the fragile state of Social Security (established 1935) and Medicare (1965).
It reminds me of the 1950s when the Chinese people complained about the sparrows stealing the grain on their farms. Chairman Mao ordered all the sparrows killed. The first year the gardens thrived, the following year when the fields fell vulnerable, the locusts came and devoured everything. Mao tried to pivot but it was too late. Millions of people died of starvation.
Let us hope the incoming government plans accordingly, and prioritizes the safety nets that have been in place for decades. They are already vulnerable and can easily, and all too quickly, disappear.
— Nancy Ficarrotta, Soquel
What matters is what’s important in Trump term
In response to the recent letter, “How Can the U.S. survive another Trump term?” By “the U.S.” I assume you mean the Democratic Party. Nope. In its current form, it won’t, the people said so overwhelmingly. Perhaps in the shrinking cesspools of blue leftist goo it will “survive,” but the people made “it” pretty clear.
Borders matter, the economy matters, unnecessary incompetent war matters, merit matters, dividing people by the hate of race and gender matters, assigning privileges by race and gender matters, women’s bathrooms and sports matter, the inefficiency of government matters, censorship matters, a lying legacy media matters and overall American principles and an America-first priority matters. What no longer matters are celebrity opinions, empty word salads and woke ideology. I can only hope the left won’t resort to violence, pure communism or WWIII before Trump can take office. America’s survival is at stake.
— Garrett Philipp, Santa Cruz