Racism and sexism should never be sugar-coated. It is hate and supremacy and must be stopped.

This is another true story that conservatives will never bring up and are hoping that no one will share. Republicans believe they have a winning argument related to the border. They say more are crossing because of Biden’s “soft” policies. Republicans don’t want to talk about the fact that Central American families are fleeing for their lives. They are faced with all kinds of horrific criminal activity on a daily basis. They would rather risk their lives traveling to the border than staying in their homeland. Republicans don’t want you to know that Biden is proposing a policy that not only makes sense but also is supported (surprisingly) by both parties. A good part of the solution is to help improve conditions in Central America. Biden is asking for $4 billion in funds to assist with improving law enforcement, the economy and overall conditions in targeted Central American cities. Why didn’t Trump do this? Which is better — cruelty or humanity?

Make no mistake about it, the Republican party has declared an all-out war on the right of people to vote. The 2020 election saw a record turnout of voters, and the GOP is determined to prevent that from ever happening again. In fact, party officials are flat out admitting that HR 1, the Voting Rights bill, would be “devastating” for Republicans. They think that protecting the right to vote would be devastating for them? Just think about that, and then consider how many of them claimed that the 2020 election was “stolen.” They’re taking their cue from their master, Donald Trump, who insisted that the only way he could possibly lose the election would be if it were “rigged.”

In the Sunday Post-Tribune, a Trump hater wrote in all of the reasons she hated Donald Trump including ignorant, racist and half a dozen other bogus reasons. Her description fit Joe Biden perfectly. Why does she not show hate for Joe? Donald Trump is not even a political figure anymore, just a billionaire business man. Let if go, honey, before you allow it to get an ulcer. TDS they call it.

I wish everyone would make their health decisions based on a conversation with their doctor rather than some internet conspiracy theorist. Please talk to your doctor and get vaccinated.

Right-wing media buffoons are outraged that the COVID-19 rescue package might actually include aid directed to minority farmers. Where was the outrage when Trump tried to repair the damage done by his China tariffs by directing almost $60 billion in subsidies to corporate agriculture? Republicans only approve of subsidies when they’re the ones getting them.

Big “Shout Out” to Jody and his Team at Paramount Painting from Crown Point. Excellent work for the second time and looking forward to having them again in the summer.

I wonder how many die-hard Trump fans have returned their stimulus checks? You know, just to show the “libs.”

Democrats want to keep our border safe and secure, but they do care about the humane treatment of immigrants. Meanwhile, Republicans enjoy watching the suffering of these immigrants.

Odd, isn’t it, that the conservative whiners in the Quickly column always claim to be the most intelligent, best educated, only logical people in the room. What they don’t claim is to be the most humble.

Why don’t they hire the serial stowaway to test airport security?

APB (All Points Bulletin). Has anyone seen “The Golden Rule?” It seems to have gone missing!

Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.