Dear Heloise: I love your column and read it every day. Here is my solution for your readers on how to get rid of scam calls. (I would receive 10 per day.) I called my telephone provider, and they have a link where you can list up to 30 telephone numbers that are allowed to call your phone. All others will receive a message that “this number is no longer in service.” It worked like a charm, and I have not had any scam calls since. Thank you!

— Ms. Deanne Dillenbeck, in Cypress


Dear Heloise: You had a reader who was contacted about a new Medicare card. She is correct that a scammer was possibly trying to get her Medicare number, but her information regarding new Medicare cards is incorrect. I received a new Medicare card in the mail with a letter saying to destroy the old card and start using the new one. I have no reason to think it’s a scam. Whether they sent it out to everyone in the country, I do not know.

She can ask her medical insurance carrier or her doctor’s office if they have knowledge of new Medicare cards with different numbers that are being sent to people.

— Rise Schurman, via email


Dear Heloise: When should you replace your toothbrush? When it is showing wear. Keep a spare on hand. Compare the bristles on the old toothbrush versus the replacement. I prefer a manual brush, but I understand that electric ones are used by many.

— Jeanie Bray, in Bryan, Texas


Dear Heloise: When I am painting with a brush and have to stop for an unexpected visitor, phone call, or lunch break, I don’t want to clean my brush or let it get hard and dry. So, I do one of two things:

I either wrap the brush up in plastic food wrap. Or I stick it into the bag that my newspaper comes in, squeeze out the air, and put a twist tie around the handle. Then I can go back to painting without a problem!

— Michelle Balk, via email


Dear Heloise: I have a new refrigerator, and I put magnets on the exterior as I did with my previous one. Two magnets adhered, but one slid down and caused a long scratch. I contacted the manufacturer and was told to see if I could rub it off the surface of the door. It didn’t work.

I contacted a local appliance store and was told that the new finishes would make it impossible to minimize/remove the scratch. I tried a stainless steel product that is used to remove fingerprints, to no avail. Can you suggest any other remedies or at least warn your readers to be cautious of these new finishes? Thank you!

— Mary Williams, in San Juan Capistrano


Dear Heloise: I don’t know if you already have this hint, but here it is: To clean lint and pet hair from your felt chair pads, just use your lint roller. It works like a champ!

— M.W., Madison, Mississippi

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