My mother informed me that my ex was engaged, after she saw it on social media. He never told me. We had a great relationship until he started seeing this woman. According to him, she is very jealous of me.
I see my ex at least once a week. Although I had a negative opinion when I found out about their relationship, I got over it quickly and told my ex that if she makes him happy, then I wish him the best.
They got married quickly after being engaged and he still hasn’t said anything to me.
Now our relationship has an awkward vibe. I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, and I’ve been waiting to see if he would eventually tell me about his marriage. I have been very nice to his wife. I’m not sure why he’s hiding these important events from me. Should I say something, just to get it out of the way so it doesn’t strain our relationship?
You both seem cowardly. He is too chicken to tell you he’s gotten married. And you don’t seem to have advocated for your child. Do you have a legal custody agreement? Even if you can readily afford raising your child, you could advocate for help with insurance, extracurricular activities and college down the road. Helping to support a child financially is an important aspect of “co-parenting.”
Your child now has a stepmother. This could be a game-changer on many fronts — for all of you. You should receive legal counsel as soon as possible.
Find the words. Say to your ex: “So, I understand that you and Margo got married. Can you explain why you decided not to tell me this?”
I have a medium-sized dog that gets nervous around new people, so for safety’s sake I locked the dog in her kennel and kept her in a back room.
My friend asked several times if she could take her daughter to the back to “see the puppy,” but I said no, because the dog would stay calmer if she was left alone. Well, while I was busy cooking lunch, my friend apparently sneaked Lillie to the back room to see the dog. Next thing I know, Lillie is screaming/crying, and my friend is yelling at me.
Apparently the dog nipped at Lillie and scared her (there was no physical contact). Now my friend is angry with me for “allowing” my dog to scare her child. She is threatening to report me to animal control.
I think she’s insane. My dog was locked away in her kennel. I stated very clearly to leave the dog alone, and she ignored me. My friend says she wants an apology and for me to get rid of the dog, or she won’t visit anymore. Who is right here?
I won’t suggest that you counter her threat with one of your own (to report her to child protective services for child endangerment), but the temptation is surely there.
You do not owe her an apology. Nor do I think you should continue to communicate with her about this. I do think you should hold her to her promise not to visit you anymore.
Copyright 2019 by Amy Dickinson
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency