A 52-year-old Robbinsdale man charged Monday with stabbing a light-rail passenger Saturday in St. Paul told police he did so in self-defense.

The stabbing happened on a westbound Green Line train, near the intersection of University and Cromwell avenues, shortly before 8:30 p.m. Service was temporarily halted.

Metro Transit police officers found a 48-year-old man with stab wounds to his left side, near his stomach. He was transported to a hospital.

Jack Edward Allison III was identified as the alleged assailant and arrested.

Allison, who was found with a folding knife, told an officer the man came at him first with a butcher knife and that he acted in self-defense, according to a criminal complaint charging Allison with second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon.

A witness told officers the man who was stabbed had been harassing other passengers, and that Allison told him to stop. The man went back to his seat, pulled out a large knife from a bag and “came at us,” before eventually putting the knife away, the witness said, according to the complaint.

An officer found a large knife in a bag and the witness said it was the one displayed against them, the complaint says.

An investigator reviewed light-rail video and noted the following:

A man boarded the train at 8:11 p.m. He approached Allison, who then made a motion with his right arm consistent with pulling out an object. The man walked away.

A short time later, Allison said, “Let her go.” The man replied, “That’s my girl, man.” He walked over to his bag and pulled out a large knife. He approached Allison with the knife in a “threatening manner” and told Allison to leave him alone, the complaint says. He walked away and put his knife back into his bag.

Allison had his knife in his right hand, resting on his knee.

Allison and the man exchanged more words and stared at each other. Allison got out of his seat with his knife. The man grabbed his bag. Allison ran at him with his knife in his hand and said, “Get it … pull it out.” He grabbed hold of the man and stabbed him in the left side of his torso. The man broke free and ran to the other side of the train.

Allison grabbed the man’s bag, threw it and said, “There’s your bag. There’s your knife.” He added: “You said you were gonna kill me, so we’re here now.”

Allison declined a formal interview with an investigator.

Last month, Metro Transit said it has expanded its police presence on light rail and also deployed civilian agents to inspect fares, administer first aid, monitor passenger behavior and more.

Reported crime on buses and light rail was up 32 percent last year from 2022, according to Metro Transit. Ridership rose about 15 percent last year compared with 2022.