Aries: Your desire for love could bring out your childlike and trustful side. You may avoid accepting second best by getting crystal clear on what you want. Release control and trust your intuition to guide you in the right direction.

Taurus: Resist the urge to make sudden changes that aren’t intentional. Be patient, as this period may soon pass and bring new opportunities. You could soon be busy and ready for action.

Gemini: Don’t fix what’s not broken. Unnecessary tinkering might cause more harm than good. Carefully consider matters before taking any decisive action.

Cancer: You might be singled out to receive special attention and celebration. Consider holding back your romantic ideas until you come to a more appropriate time and place. Embrace life’s little joys when they show up on your doorstep.

Leo: Your charm is magnetic, drawing people closer. Enjoy the connections you make, and remember, sometimes the messenger is just as important as the message. Joining in with others could lead to enlightening exchanges and new insights.

Virgo: A partner’s ambition could put a bright spotlight on you too. Their quest for recognition might bring you along for an exciting ride. A materialistic item may seem worthy of your attention now, but in time it could lose its appeal.

Libra: Kindness can overcome obstacles that block unity and harmony. You might not be ready to commit yourself to someone with an opposing viewpoint, but you can be considerate. Patience and understanding may bridge differences.

Scorpio: A chance encounter might be thrilling, but sometimes it’s best to appreciate it and move on. You can’t solve all the world’s problems, but you might make things in your part of the world more harmonious and run more smoothly.

Sagittarius: You might be tempted to break your routine by acting spontaneously and indulging in impulses. A loved one may find you more intriguing if they can’t quite predict your next move.

Capricorn: Once an action is in motion, focused attention keeps it going. Your growing creative energy could help you complete tasks effortlessly. Consider asking for what you want.

Aquarius: Sometimes, belief in the greater good may trump logic. Stand by your opinions and your commitment might be rewarded.

Pisces: Taking inventory of all your successes, no matter how small, may boost your confidence. Don’t let small setbacks stop you. Your friendliness and a love of adventure could make you a popular figure that appeals to a wide audience.

If Sept. 28 is your birthday: Your imagination and romantic side could be highlighted this week, so take notes if you come up with creative ideas that may be useful later. As the next six to seven weeks unfold, you may be uplifted by high ideals, harmonious mantras, and you may feel more sensitive than usual to your environment. Focus on starting healthy habits as you become aware of anything irritating that disturbs your peace of mind. December may be a good time to make crucial decisions about projects, your career path, or boundaries.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency