92 years


William Waldo Johnson passed away peacefully on October 6, 2024 at his home in Woodland, California. He was 92 years old.

He was born in Charleston, West Virginia on July 7, 1932. His parents were Kathleen Elfreda Fierbaugh and Waldo Hazel Johnson. He attended Morris Harvey College and then joined the Medical Corps of the US Navy.

While in the Navy, he attended medical school and received his Doctor of Surgery in Ear, Nose, Throat, Facial Plastic and Head and Neck reconstructive surgery. He was a flight surgeon in the Navy and was stationed in many locations, most notably as the Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. He served in the Navy for 32 years and relocated to Woodland, California where he was the head of the Ear, Nose and Throat department at the Woodland Clinic Medical Group. He was dedicated to his career and would diligently study prior to every surgical procedure, even though he performed the same surgery many times.

He was an accomplished artist, musician (played the clarinet and oboe) and all-around handy man who could work on any aspect of home repair. He was a man of many talents and interests. A deeply religious man he was vital member of the First Baptist Church of Davis.

He married twice in his life and had 9 children: William Michael Johnson, Patricia Lynn Reckmeyer, David Craig Johnson, Timothy Allen Johnson, Stephen Scott Johnson, Thomas Christopher Johnson, Shannon Johnson Personeni, Colin William Ryan Johnson and Brennan Glenn William Johnson. He is survived by 6 of his children. Additionally, he is survived by 17 Grandchildren and 21 Great Grandchildren. He was a family man and dedicated father to all.