Social Security

Columnist de Rugy’s mistitled article Oct. 20 contains a lot of bologna. Perhaps the biggest slice is in her statement, “The damage caused by jacking up the payroll tax to the level required to restore solvency isn’t worth the benefit.” In point of fact, Social Security has remained viable and solvent since its 1935 start because of bipartisan-supported payroll tax increases as more and more Americans used it. However, Republicans stopped supporting increases in the 1990s. That’s what’s hurting SS now. If people like de Rugy had their way, they would bring pain and suffering to over 100 million Americans, those currently receiving SS and those counting on it for the future.

— Richie Locasso, Hemet

State’s release program

I read this Oct. 20 predators’ article and felt nauseous. This is the push for “criminal justice reform?” Letting out repellent, disgusting sex offenders just because they are “elderly”? Shame on the judges, advocates and parole boards that allow this procedure to even exist. But this is the Democratic push for “equity,” “fairness” and “social justice.” By all means, let’s reduce costs by emptying prisons of this filth, instead of building more prisons to keep this vermin behind bars where they belong. I’m ashamed to live in a state where this is allowed, and can’t wait to leave it.

— B. Carey, San Clemente

Election 2024

Re “Jewish Americans should support Donald Trump” (Oct. 20):

Walter Block’s folksy article on why Jewish Americans should support Trump demands a rebuttal. Such lame or irrelevant reasons for his premise as members of Trump’s family being Jewish or his insistence that settlements in Judea and Samaria were legal may appeal to the “Israel right or wrong” element. However, for the rest of us who view Israel and Trump more objectively, Block’s reasons don’t sell. It is interesting that Block cites the potential influence of antisemitism from the left on a Harris administration but overlooks clear evidence of rampant antisemitism on the right during Trump’s reign. We can”t forget Charlottesville or shootings at synagogues. Nor can we overlook the antisemitic undertones of the “patriot” groups that Trump not only tolerates but celebrates. The bottom line is that a 50% share of the vote for Trump will not materialize and rightfully so.

— Henry Frankenberg, Rolling Hills Estates