Aries: Don’t be mesmerized by appearances alone. Get to know someone before diving in, instead of wearing rose-colored glasses. Sometimes, the most appropriate move may be to wait and see how things unfold before you act.

Taurus: Today might bring some new opportunities to let your unique skills and talents shine. You might be the star of the show, winning hearts with your spontaneous friendliness and winning minds with your original approach to problems.

Gemini: Invite people to collaborate with you. Your gracious and welcoming nature could put others at ease, in turn opening them up to cooperate. If people see how your mind works, they might view you from a more favorable perspective.

Cancer: Sometimes, it’s wiser to temporarily refrain from action. It may be helpful to make sure you thoroughly understand all the rules before starting a new plan. A burst of energy could enable you to set multiple things in motion simultaneously.

Leo: Sunshine is a great remedy for many things. A loved one or someone close may bring awareness to your financial situation. It could be wise to take a closer look at your spending habits to prevent them from spiraling into something bigger.

Virgo: When the door is opened, caged birds can seize the chance to fly away. It may be time to embrace opportunities to break free from the monotony of daily routines or habits. Changing your position might release you from responsibility.

Libra: New relationships may clash with the expectations of both parties. You may find it easier to be upfront and honest from the beginning.

Scorpio: Strive to find a balance between your desires and what’s best for you. There may be plenty of time to build a solid foundation for security. You can navigate any challenge or shifting circumstance with the support of others.

Sagittarius: When it comes to making decisions, it’s important to aim for fairness and balance, making sure everyone feels included.

Capricorn: You and a loved one might find yourselves at odds over a practical issue. It’s best to seek expert advice for serious matters rather than acting impulsively. Reserve the urge to fight for more important matters such as your passions.

Aquarius: You and your most loyal companions can make an impact in public. By presenting a united front, you and your special someone might be seen as a dynamic duo. Consider keeping a close eye on finances now to help prevent a loss.

Pisces: Your internal compass might feel a bit off right now. A flirtation could be misleading, or a purchase agreement might have hidden details and conditions.

If Sept. 18 is your birthday: During the next five to six weeks, you might feel free to safely take a vacation or embark on a romantic weekend with a special someone. Your social life could hit a high note, possibly making this a favorable time to join a group or organization.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency