Yes on K to preserve and support parks

Everyone needs access to well-maintained county parks, from hidden gems in the woods to recreation centers in our neighborhoods. Parks bring people together. Parks preserve nature. Parks make people healthier. We should all cast a vote for Measure K because we need our parks and they need us. Measure K is an investment that makes sense now and for our future.

— Terry Corwin, Santa Cruz

No on M: Santa Cruz needs smarter housing policies

I chuckled at the letter from the leader of the Measure M campaign suggesting that we ignore the facts about the flaws and problems in Measure M. She instead suggests we listen as she casts aspersions on people who have been building affordable housing in our community for decades.

The writer tries these distractions because she simply can’t get around the fact that Measure M was written badly and that it will cost us both money and affordable housing. She can’t hide the fact that all the local groups that have long histories of working for affordable housing here are opposing Measure M. Though she tries smoke and mirrors, she can’t obscure the fact that their wishful thinking on affordable housing is proven to be a failure in other nearby communities.

We need smarter housing and building policies. Measure M is a ball of confusion that needs to be rejected.

— Don Lane, Santa Cruz

Yes on M that will give ‘power to the people’

Vote Yes on Measure M!

Yes will keep our sunshine shining. (Remember that 12-story buildings will block close neighbors’ sunshine.)

Yes will save our water. (Remember around 1,800 apartments south of Laurel will have flushing toilet & running showers 24/7 –will they have individual water meters?)

Yes will seal the deal for a few more affordable apartments. (Remember Measure M does not keep nonprofit organizations from building affordable units.)

Yes will keep the developers from overbuilding. (Remember that the planning department and the City Council are considering selling our public lands for these buildings.)

Yes will give “Power to the People.” (Remember passage will give all residents of Santa Cruz a vote before city codes governing building heights can be changed.)

Yes can give Santa Cruz residents a more livable and sustainable town. (Remember a “‘no” vote gives developers the power to make our city crowded and looking for a parking place!.)

Vote Yes on Measure M. (Remember our planet is fragile.)

— Jody Bare, Santa Cruz

District 2: Jaffe has the credentials and experience

We have a chance to elect the best of several candidates for our next District 2 Santa Cruz County Supervisor. That’s Bruce Jaffe, current member and president of Soquel Creek Water District. He has been re-elected to that board for six consecutive terms.

Jaffe has proven that he is very electable and re-electable. Adding to his experience on the Soquel Creek Water Board is his 41-year employment with the U.S. Geological Survey using his advanced science degree, a PhD. Please join me in voting for Bruce Jaffe for 2nd District Supervisor.

— David Wilcox, Aptos

Why Brown is best choice for supervisor in District 2

As a couple, we have been actively involved for several decades in local civic activities ranging from services to youth, woman’s issues, senior citizen concerns, transportation, health, job creation, housing, governmental services and education. These are things that make for a better quality of life in our region for everyone. So it’s easy to say hands down, it’s Kristen Brown as the best selectee for your vote in the 2nd District supervisor race. Please join us in voting for Kristen Brown.

— Wendy and Lowell Hurst, Watsonville

De Serpa knows the District 2 communities

The one candidate in District 2 who best fits the varied overall needs of the diverse district is Kim De Serpa. Kim is currently a long-time trustee for the Pajaro Valley School District. It is interesting that with the exception of Capitola, Soquel and inter city of Watsonville the school district boundaries and District 2 boundaries are nearly the same.

Kim knows the communities of Aptos, La Selva Beach, Corralitos, Salsipuedes, Freedom, Sunset Beach and the farm-worker labor camps. She knows the issues of river and creek flooding and water conservation programs of the Pajaro Valley. The list goes on.

She has served for several years as a trustee of one of the largest public agencies in the county. Kim has valuable leadership experience dealing with million-dollar budgets, union and management bargaining, employee contracts, construction of buildings and working with the many agencies impacting the business and individual properties of the region.

As a public health official she understands the health care needs of the farm labor workers and families.

Vote for Kim De Serpa for supervisor.

— James S. Baker, Aptos