There is the story of a New York City playwright looking for a number in the city’s phone directory. He stated: “Not much of a plot here, but ‘wow’ what a cast!”

It is a great cast … pages and pages of Cohens, O’Briens, Smiths, Joneses, and Robinsons. Millions of names … what a stunning cast! “Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief.” All races, religions, occupations, colors and classes all in the cast!

Now if we could only give that cast a plot like the ‘making of a community.’ What a drama it would be. Everyone would be living together in harmony for the good of all …what a story to be realized.

That is the dream of the Woodland Ecumenical Multi-faith Ministries. It is the story of the Kingdom of God coming into the lives of the people in this community. What staggering dramatic possibilities … a divine plot, a family drama, in which the sons and daughters of God actually live and work together for the benefit of all.

How many persons there are who have great potential, but have no plot, purpose, or vision to their lives? That can also be true of many religious and community groups. A great cast but they have not given themselves whole-heartedly to the purpose for which they are organized … to assist others for the benefit of the whole community… to become a Beloved Community.

If you are not part of such a great ‘cast of witnesses,’ of helping others, seek a faith community or organization to benefit yourself and others and be a cast member in “The Greatest Story Ever Told.”