LAWRENCE L. McGee, Larry, age 81 of Port Charlotte, Florida, formerly of Pontiac and Clarkston, Michigan, died on December 4, 2024. He was preceded in death by his parents Roy and Marie McGee, brother Thomas, sisters Jean McIntyre, Mariand his anne Petruccelli son Danny. He is survived by his daughter Cindy McGee and son, Brett McGee (Pinar), his grandchildren Rory and Sena, many nephews and nieces who dearly loved him and his rubber chickens. Also, his dear friend and mother of his children Phyllis Warrow.
Larry provided family, friends, and many unwitting strangers, moments of laughter and joy with his antics, jokes, costumes, and performances – like walking around town with an invisible dog on a leash. He was born in Davenport, Iowa November 15, 1943 and graduated from Notre Dame High School in Niles, Illinois. He lived in Clarendon Hills and Mount Prospect, Illinois before moving to Pontiacthe and Clarkston, Michigan in 1967. He worked for the American Red Cross for 28 years as a social worker, disaster worker, blood donor recruiter, and as a National field Manager for Michigan. He obtained his B.A. Degree in Philosophy with honors from Xavier University in 1967. While a student, he was a deejay for the campus radio station and editor-in-chief of the 1966 yearbook, The Musketeer.
Recently he performed with Writers’ On The Air at WKDW.
Larry was active in his community including at Heritage Oak Park and his St. Maximilian Kolbe parish where he was a lector, on the Peace and Justice commission, Bible Study group, and the Knights of Columbus, and later at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. He was a member of Kiwanis, Elks, and volunteered at the local nursing home and hospital.
He was active in promoting the integration of the schools in Pontiac, Michigan where he assisted in establishing a food and clothing agency for the poor and the Catholic Chaplaincy program at the county jail. He was a board member of Pontiac General Hospital. Larry was a founding member and vice-president of the Pontiac Citizens Coalition of white, Black and Latino citizens which fought Redlining by local banks.
Larry thoroughly enjoyed playing Santa Claus for the past 49 years. He has been Santa and the Easter Bunny at soup kitchens, churches, community centers, and even showed up at the airport in full Santa regalia to pick up his kids several times. He was a community theatre actor in Clarkston and Grand Haven, Michigan and then in Bradenton, Englewood and Port Charlotte, Florida appearing in over 30 plays. He directed and produced the local one-man Harry Truman show “Give ‘Em Hell Harry” which made appearances throughout southwest Florida including the Cook Theatre in Sarasota. He recently authored Memoirs of An Uncle Who Loves Rubber Chickens.
Visitation will be held Dec. 11 at the Roberson Funeral Home, in Port Charlotte. A Mass celebrating Larry’s life will be held on Dec. 12, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Punta Gorda.