NEW YORK — Two election technology companies whose names have come up inPresidentDonaldTrump’s false charges of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election are fighting back, prompting unusual public statements from Fox News and Newsmax.

The statements, over the weekend and on Monday, came after the companies Smartmatic and Dominion raised the prospect of legal action for reporting what they said was false information about them.

Both companies were referencedinthecampaign’s suggestion that vote counts in swing states were manipulated to the advantage of President-elect Joe Biden.

The companies deny several statements made about them, and there is no evidence any voting system switched or deleted votes in the 2020 election.

A nearly two-minute pre-tapedsegmentwasaired over the weekend on a Fox Business Network program hosted by Lou Dobbs and Fox News Channel shows with Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro.

That came days after Smartmatic sent a letter threatening legal action to Fox and two other networks popular with Trump supporters, NewsmaxandOneAmericaNews Network.

The two-minute Fox segments aired in the form of a question-and-answer sessionbetweenanoffscreen voice and Eddie Perez, a voting technology expert at the nonpartisan Open SourceElectionTechnology Institute.

“I have not seen any evidence that Smartmatic software was used to delete, change or alter anything related to vote tabulations,”

Perez said.

The company says its Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., speaks as President Donald Trump watches this month in Georgia. Many GOP voters in Georgia are certain widespread voter fraud cost the president the election. EVAN VUCCI/AP only work that involved the 2020 U.S. election came in Los Angeles. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has falsely claimed that Smartmatic was founded in Venezuela by former dictator Hugo Chavez for the goal of fixing elections. Smartmatic was startedinFloridain2000. Its founder is Venezuelan, but the company said Chavez was never involved, and its last work in Venezuela came in 2017 when its software found the government had reported false turnout numbers.

After the segment aired SundayonBartiromo’sshow, she said, “So that is where we stand right now. We will keep investigating.”

Perez also said there was no apparent business relationship between Smartmatic and Dominion; Trump’s lawyers have claimed with no evidence that Dominion’s vote counting system used at some locations in the U.S. elections had used Smartmatic’s software.

Asked Monday about the segments, Smartmatic’s lawyer, J. Erik Connolly, said the company “cannot comment on the recent broadcast by Fox News due to potential litigation.”

The network did not comment beyond the on-air segments aired over the weekend.

A statement aired by Newsmax anchors on Monday, and also printed on the company website, was much broader and concerned both Smartmatic and Dominion.

In the statement, Newsmaxsaidtherewere“several facts our viewers and readersshouldbeaware,” among them the lack of a business relationshipbetweenthetwo companies or that Dominion had any ownership relationship with George Soros, HouseSpeakerNancyPelosi and others.

“No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election,” Newsmax said.

Company spokesman Anthony Rizzo said Newsmax itself had never made a claimofimpropriety, butthat others had appeared on the network to raise questions about Smartmatic.

“As any major media outlet, we provide a forum for public concerns and discussion,” he said.

There was no immediate response to a request for comment from OANN.