Aries: You never know what’s inside a chocolate candy until you take a bite. Appearances can be deceiving, and what lies beneath might be more delightful than anticipated. Don’t judge anything or anyone by what’s on the outside.

Taurus: Your enthusiasm may be enhanced by exciting activities. Routine tasks might feel unfulfilling, possibly leaving you with a sense of restlessness. You may have an urge to go overboard or to promise more than you can deliver.

Gemini: Don’t take on more than you can handle. While it may feel great to be helpful, you might offer to solve a problem beyond your expertise or capability. It’s perfectly okay to ask for support when you’re unsure of your next step.

Cancer: A hopeful dream may seem like the answer to all your problems. Consider taking a closer look to examine the fine print of something that appears to be a good deal at first glance. A sharp partner or companion may keep you on point.

Leo: Be careful not to take credit for things you haven’t yet received. Your ability to forgive could be exceptionally rapid and strong. You might let challenges to your authority pass on by without fully addressing the issues at hand.

Virgo: Take a moment to savor the simple joys in life. Informal environments are where you may feel most comfortable. You might look like a million dollars in a nice outfit or expensive shoes, but you may feel far more at ease in casual wear.

Libra: Old desires may no longer resonate. It’s never too late to start building new goals and dreams that are more aligned to your current self. Taking care of your wants and needs might allow you to help others or act as a generous benefactor.

Scorpio: The more you care, the more you share. You might be hopeful and excited by the possibility of something new or on pins and needles about an upcoming change. Don’t let loved ones and their needs be forgotten in the hustle and bustle.

Sagittarius: Your enthusiasm can be contagious and is likely to set off sparks of friendliness with interesting new people. By offering a helping hand to someone in need, you can gain lots of gratitude and positive karma in your life.

Capricorn: Revisit your task list. Consider taking time to catch up on your reading to gain further insights into your goals. Someone could ask for advice or might influence your opinions by appealing to your levelheaded nature.

Aquarius: Be careful of unknowingly overspending. You might find yourself splurging when buying in bulk, thinking you’re managing your finances wisely. It may be wise to do some research beforehand to make your tasks easier.

Pisces: Learn to take responsibility, whether things go right or go wrong. Others may not be ready to own up to their part. You might reach a turning point in your belief system as you begin to reflect and refine your viewpoints and ideals.

If Sept. 11 is your birthday: Your romantic nature could be stirred, or your head filled with inspiring thoughts as the next two to three weeks fly by. You may enjoy group outings or a weekend escape with an adoring partner if you have the chance. By late October your attention could be centered on practical subjects such as making money.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency