Dear Heloise >> I just discovered that storing older duct tape in the fridge, even overnight, revives it completely. It goes from being a gummy mess that is nearly impossible to open to behaving like a brand-new roll. After I put an old roll in the fridge for a day, an 8-year-old kid could peel off the tape and tear it evenly.

Dear Heloise >> One day on vacation, I picked up a postcard and sent it to my 3-year-old grandson. He was very excited to get something in the mail. So, I ordered a pack of United States postcards and started sending one about two times a month. If I have visited the state, I tell him what I have seen or done there. If I haven’t been there, I find some fun facts about the state and share them with him.

As I travel, I also pick up postcards and share information regarding the postcard. Recently, I was in Amish country, and I sent him a postcard of a horse and buggy. This gave us the opportunity to talk about how people live differently, as well as caring for a horse.

I find this is a fun way to keep us in contact and give him an opportunity to learn new things. Thanks.

— Sue Carey, Grandma in New Jersey

Dear Heloise >> As a senior citizen, I attend many programs and lectures. Almost without exception, speakers do not know how to use a microphone. Speakers should talk right into the microphone, which should be a few inches directly in front of their mouth.

A good example is watching a singer hold a microphone. And keep in mind that they must keep the microphone in place. If they decide to wander away from the place they started, they need to keep holding the microphone up to their mouths.

— Sarah Thomas, Springfield, Illinois

Dear Heloise >> I would like to add one more hint for a very easy way to obtain what’s left of lotion at the bottom of a container: I turn the bottle upside down, put it in a small container, and leave it there for a while. Almost all of the lotion comes out by itself. Give it a few shakes at the end if any is still left. I can usually save enough for at least an extra week of use!

— P.J., via email

Dear Heloise >> I have a quick hint for putting fitted sheets on the bed: Look for the care tag that is sewn into a corner. I either place this corner of the sheet on the lower-right corner or the upper-left corner of the bed. No more fussing with the correct position on the bed!

Thank you for your years of hints, Heloise. I am enjoying them now in the Press-Enterprise.

— R.L., via email

Dear Heloise >> I love your hints and have followed you for years! For those who have trouble swallowing pills, try this hint:

Take a big sip of water, but don’t swallow. Now put the pill in. It will seem to “float,” and you won’t notice it as much. Then swallow, and it should go down a lot easier.

— K.S., via email

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