Aries: Your drive and initiative might be centered around finances as you evaluate various budgeting methods. Consider finding a balance between steering clear of making impulsive purchases and giving in to your whims with loved ones.

Taurus: Your wallet may thank you later if you follow the guidance of those you trust. Receiving flattering reviews and enjoying heightened popularity may put you in a position to gather support for your original creative passion projects.

Gemini: Your inner wisdom may seem to grow and thrive now more than ever. You may want to put a touch of individuality on everything you do but only if it meets tasteful standards. Be devoted to upholding lasting values and the highest ideals.

Cancer: Review your commitments and find a remedy if there is something that could prevent you from keeping your promises. Your imagination and understanding may feel elevated where you can better visualize what you want to accomplish.

Leo: Trillions of factors had to align perfectly to put the current version of yourself, that you are now, into this exact moment. Don’t take those impossible odds for granted. Recognize the miracle that is you and take charge of your future.

Virgo: You’re perfectly imperfect. Don’t be afraid to reveal your imperfections because those you love can see your inner light and should be willing to accept you just as you are. Consider being more mindful of the facts when money is involved.

Libra: Give credit where credit is due. Being able to share your victories with others and forge solid relationships is a true sign of strength. Working to achieve an acceptable middle ground could let everyone walk away as a winner.

Scorpio: A single, genuine, and loving bond is worth more than several disloyal friends. Showing other people that you care by demonstrating reliability and unconditional acceptance may be the best approach. Find a way to express your creativity.

Sagittarius: A project or task could expose you to changing landscapes and you might be eager to experiment or try something entirely new. Your creative genius could be sparked and impress someone with the ability to make a change.

Capricorn: You have a firm grasp on how things work and can sort through the facts when needed. You may be asked to help someone get to the bottom of a problem, so your common sense and rational approach could be valuable.

Aquarius: Handle surprises within your inner circle with good grace. You may open yourself up to experience a refreshing change. Your taste for nice things may lead you to spend a little bit more to buy something of better quality.

Pisces: You may be determined to make certain aspects of your life permanent. Your goals might become clearer as you spend time reflecting. Allowing your imagination to run free could inspire you to turn those dreams into reality.

If Sept. 12 is your birthday: During the next two to three weeks, you may be filled with light-heartedness and ready for fun, especially if you take a vacation or otherwise live out some of your fantasies. The more the merrier could be your new motto as you widen your social network.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency