MENTOR Minnesota recruits caring adults to help introduce a child to new ideas and opportunities through mentoring. Here’s one of the kids who could use a mentor’s help.

First name: Jayson

Age: 10

Location: Apple Valley

Interests: Jayson loves to play outside. He enjoys swimming at the pool, riding his bike, camping and playing with his neighborhood friends. He also enjoys playing board games with his family and playing on his game system. He loves school and does great with all his subjects.

Personality/Characteristics: Jayson can be quiet at first when he is just getting to know you, but warms up as he feels comfortable. He is very talkative and inquisitive.

Goals/dreams: He would like a mentor who could teach him how to play football, especially how to throw a spiral. He would also like someone who could take him fishing. Mom would like a mentor for Jayson to do guy stuff with and have a positive male role model in his life.

For more information: Jayson is waiting for a mentor through Kids n’ Kinship in Dakota County. To learn more about this agency, contact Kids n’ Kinship at or 952-892-6368. For more information about mentoring, contact MENTOR MN at 612-399-0222 or check its online list of mentoring programs at under “Get Involved” and drop down to “Find a Program.”