Readers respond to Question of the Week: Can Trump reclaim the Panama Canal?
Why threaten?
If it’s because of “ridiculous” fees being charged, as Trump argues, a request to lower U.S. shippers’ rates can be reinforced by a suggestion that if Panama fails to respond, it might compel America to consider involvement in the present-day efforts to dig another one in Nicaragua. In fact, long before America began work in Panama in 1904, many U.S. experts even then had favored the route through Nicaragua instead of Panama! So now, in 2024, rather than a president-elect’s bombastic threats to “reclaim” the canal, a friendly “suggestion” that we might consider becoming involved in that different ditch will likely resonate much more affirmatively with our friends in Panama.
— David M. Bouchier, Long Beach
Trump’s vision
President-elect Trump doesn’t have tunnel vision like most of his doubters do; he has a panorama view. His foreign policy is above and beyond the previous administration and any other administration’s in the last 50 years. China is trying to buy up all strategic points of transportational waterways and airspace globally. They’ve also gotten a major foothold with the current administration of Panama. Trump knows what he needs to do to get their attention and I for one back him 100%. America has a signed commitment with Panama to help them instill public peace and constitutional order and for that reason we should still have a say in the matter. Trump is right when he says he’d like to buy Greenland. It’s a strategic defensive spot for us regarding airspace and ocean waterways. And he’s not wrong in wishing to build a defensive dome for the future of America.
— Lou Solo, Gardena
Trump’s suggestion is ridiculous
That Trump could even suggest taking back the Panama Canal shows how dangerous and unhinged he is. That’s like Mexico threatening to take back parts of the Southwest if we don’t stop the gun smugglers (and having the muscle to do it). Can you think of a better way to invite China to play a role in South American politics, perhaps followed by aid against U. S. aggression? The American people, having voted a lunatic into office, can expect more lunacy in the days ahead!
— Dave E. Matson, Pasadena