What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

Does Trump really think that the Democrats will not come after him and his family once he is out of office. He is doing everything he can now to cause problems, and payback is coming. Will we finally see his taxes?

Hunter Biden’s taxes are under investigation. Trump who has been under “audit” since his first run for office thinks this is a big deal. Isn’t that just a bit of irony?

Four years ago, Donald Trump declared “I love the poorly educated.” Well, of course he does. They put him in the White House, and now they want to keep him there even though he lost the election because they know nothing about our history, our traditions, our values, or our Constitution. No wonder Republicans have waged a war on public education. A failed public school system serves their interests well.

On his way out the door, and even after losing the election, Donald Trump made yet another lifetime appointment to the federal bench, this one to fill Amy Coney Barrett’s vacant spot on the 7th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago. The appointment, approved by every single Republican senator, keeps the court the only all-white circuit court in the entire United States, even though 30% of the population of the region it serves is black.

The Right couldn’t get enough of telling us how classy fashion model Melania is. Now they’re into “Doc Shaming” Jill Biden, portraying her doctorate as something comic and sleazy that she should be ashamed of. Oh those elites, with all that learning stuff. How pathetic that they actually waste their time getting educated!

Biden must allow the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute Trump and every member of his cabinet that is guilty of crimes while in office. There is no reaching across the aisle in this matter. It is the only way to assure that nobody ever attempts to lie and sever the government again. The future of our democracy depends on it.

Somewhere there should be a special place showcasing the names of all those Republicans who tried to subvert our democratic system by supporting the Texas lawsuit. that sought to trash tens of millions of votes and have the election handed to Trump. It could be called “The Benedict Arnold Monument of Infamy.”

The term for 2020 has been “diversity,” which takes a (page) out of a failed socialist program from years ago called “affirmative action.” The real meaning of diversity is “we have too many white people working here.” God forbid, the most qualified person ever be allowed to be considered for the job.

Operation Warp Speed was not about giving a drug company a pot of money in exchange for a vaccine. It was about reducing the red tape and bureaucracy that hinder the development of such vaccines. Give credit where credit was due. Great things were created and we are reaping the rewards.

From Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:39: “But I tell you, don’t resist him who is evil;but whoever strikes you on your rightcheek, turn to him the other also”. If you’re going to claim to be a Christian, maybe you should at least read the words of Christ. I’m not a Christian, but I’ve got pretty decent reading comprehension and I admire Christ’s message of peace and love. You would be wise to follow it.

How ironic is this?Russian president Vladimir Putin acknowledged Biden’s victory and congratulated him even before “Moscow Mitch” McConnell did. And as far as I can tell, neither Indiana senator, Todd Young or Mike Braun, has done so even yet. They must be waiting for Kim Jong Un to make it official.

Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.