A Precious Child

A Precious Child provides essential resources to children and families in need, empowering them to reach their full potential. Volunteers are needed to lend a hand in the Donation Center, where they’ll help process in-kind goods, such as clothing, baby gear and hygiene products. Or, volunteers can contribute to the Empowerment Resource Center Store as a store merchandiser or check-out clerk, ensuring a dignified shopping experience for all clients. Attend a volunteer orientation to learn more or email volunteer@apreciouschild.org.


This nonprofit that provides birthday cakes to at-risk and foster youth needs creative, at-home bakers. Volunteers should have good baking and decorating skills. No minimum volunteer commitment is required. Volunteers must be 18 years old or older, but teenagers 16 or 17 can participate alongside a parent or guardian. Sign up for an orientation at cake4kids.org or email amy@cake4kids.org with any questions.

Circle of Care

Circle of Care was gifted MasterClass scholarships to provide low-income older adults in Boulder County with free access to over 180 online lifelong learning opportunities across areas of study taught by leaders in the field. Circle of Care is seeking two organized, dedicated volunteers to distribute these scholarships to those who will most benefit in the community. Each scholarship has a value of $200 to provide enrichment for a vulnerable older person for a year of access to discover their passions and learn something new. If interested, contact Joan Raderman at circleofcareproject.org">joan@circleofcareproject.org. Details at circleofcareproject.org.

Classrooms for Climate Action (C4CA)

Retired educators skills are needed. Volunteers are needed to work with a small group of K-12th grade students as they learn about climate resilience, climate justice and climate action in their local community. Opportunities are weekly from Jan. 6-May 9 in Boulder County schools. Contact Tegan at tegan@classroomsforclimateaction.org or call 303-956-2481, or contact classroomsforclimateaction.org/contact/. Join in supporting teachers and students to participate in local climate action projects.


Volunteers are needed to support senior neighbors through programs such as rides to medical appointments for military veterans and their senior family members, grocery shopping and delivery, minor home repairs, snow shoveling and yard cleanup. Opportunities are available throughout Boulder and Broomfield counties. Visit cultivate.ngo/engage/volunteer, or call our office at 303-443-1933.

Emergency Family Assistance Association

Emergency Family Assistance Association is seeking volunteers to help with food bank operations. Volunteers will stock and organize shelves, pack delivery and pick up orders, unload delivery trucks, receive donations and/or assist shoppers. Volunteer shifts are available Monday-Friday. Emergency Family Assistance Association is also seeking truck unloaders/sorters and stockers. Volunteers in this role will be unloading food donation delivery trucks, sorting and stocking incoming donations. Position requires repeated heavy lifting of over 40 pounds for the duration of the volunteer shift and takes place on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon. For more info, visit efaa.org or contact volunteer@efaa.org.

Feet Forward

An all-inclusive nonprofit organization in Boulder, Feet Forward is providing individuals experiencing homelessness with increased access to hot food, beverages, clothing and toiletries. These are available every Tuesday near the Glen Huntington Bandshell between Broadway and Canyon from 2:30-4 p.m. For information on how to help or contribute, visit feetforward.org or email feetforward80303@gmail.com.


This Boulder County nonprofit furniture bank collects gently used home furnishings and distributes them to individuals and families transitioning from homelessness into housing. What is a home without a bed? Pots and pans to cook in? A table to eat at? HomeAhead provides these things and more. The program supports success in housing while advancing equity and reducing landfill waste. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the operation. HomeAhead needs movers and drivers for furniture pick-ups and deliveries in Boulder County. Most shifts are two hours (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, between 9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m.) The nonprofit needs two-to-three volunteers for each of the shifts on the days noted. For more information, email HomeAheadBoulder@gmail.com. Check www.homeahead.net to make a financial donation and/or see about current furniture/home goods donations needed.H.O.P.E. Homeless Outreach

This nonprofit serving Longmont’s homeless community is in need of nonperishable lunch bags, size small and large surgical gloves, plastic forks, plastic bottles of water, trial-size shampoo and conditioner, large paper plates, disposable drinking cups, paper towels, toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Clothing donations that are washed and placed in a clean plastic bag include women’s pants in sizes 4, 5 and 8-10, men’s pants in sizes 30, 32, 34 and 36, all sizes of women’s tank tops and men’s shoes in sizes 5-11. Monetary donations are welcome to help meet the need for day services, which include showers, Internet access, meals, a place to rest and resources. Please contact us if you are a restaurant and would cook a daytime meal for the shelter for up to 25 people. To help, please contact Andy at andy@hopeforlongmont.org.

Intercambio Uniting Communities

Volunteer teachers are needed to help adult English learners improve their English. There are students who live in Boulder County and all over the U.S. waiting to connect with volunteer teachers. Curriculum, training and ongoing support are provided to volunteer teachers. Volunteers commit to meeting with a student for 90 minutes twice a week. Volunteer from anywhere in the U.S. Visit Intercambio.org/teach or contact volunteer@intercambio.org with any questions.

Longmont Meals on Wheels

This nonprofit at 910 Longs Peak Ave., Longmont, is seeking weekly drivers, substitute drivers and kitchen helpers. Visit longmontmeals.org/volunteer or call 303-772-0540 to volunteer.

Mile High United Way’s Volunteer Connection

Part of the United Way movement founded in 1887 in Denver, Mile High United Way connects people and strengthens communities through volunteer engagement. Opportunities are available in our communities in Boulder County. Become a member at volunteer.unitedwaydenver.org/group/events/8945 to search our site for opportunities, including those in the rest of Mile High United Way’s service area in the greater Denver area, or email the Mile High United Way Team at volunteer@unitedwaydenver.org with questions or to include your nonprofits’ volunteer needs.

Moving to End Sexual Assault

Volunteer Hotline Advocates are needed to provide support for people who call and text our hotline and to accompany survivors to the hospital for medical attention and to the police department to file a report. A 40-hour training over a three-week period is offered two-to-three times each year. Training includes topics such as how to support and advocate for callers in crisis, the impacts of sexual violence and the local resources available to survivors. Contact Gabe at gbelzer@mhpcolorado.org or call 303-443-8500 x1462 for more information, or fill out an online application at movingtoendsexualassault.org.

OUR Center

Food donations, especially protein items and toiletries, in both family and travel size, are needed. Cash donations can be made at ourcenter.org/donate or mailed to 220 Collyer St., Longmont, CO, 80501. Contact Elaine at elaine@ourcenter.org for questions.

Performance Companion

This arts and aging nonprofit is seeking caring volunteers to help older adults attend concerts and events, build social connections, provide support and help end social isolation for people as they age. Circle of Care Volunteers provide door-to-door rides, caring support and help build community for all ages as they enjoy the arts, culture, community and concerts together at great local arts and cultural venues. Volunteers must be highly responsible, dependable, 21 years or older and have an excellent driving record. Tickets are provided for free to Circle of Care volunteer drivers/escorts.

Project Angel Heart

Project Angel Heart has an urgent need for volunteers to deliver medically tailored meals to severely ill neighbors in Boulder, Longmont and Brighton on Fridays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Great opportunity to get the whole family involved. Children can participate with parents/guardians. This year, Project Angel Heart will prepare and deliver 755,000 nutritious meals to Coloradans living with cancer, kidney disease, congestive heart failure, HIV/AIDS and other severe illnesses. Visit projectangelheart.org for more information or contact volunteer@projectangelheart.org.

Rotary Community Corps of Boulder

Contribute to local Rotary service projects, promoting peace, health, education and more. Contact Sam Pottinger at pottingers@comcast.net for details. Engage, serve and make a difference.

Sister Carmen Community Center

This center needs volunteers for its food bank, thrift store, garden and front desk. Opportunities include weekly shifts in the food bank and office and drop-in shifts in the thrift store and garden. Scheduled trainings are required.

• Volunteer tasks in the food bank include welcoming donors, receiving and weighing donations, sorting food donations, checking expiration dates, stocking shelves, repackaging bulk donations, assisting with coolers, carts and check-out, recycling and composting and assisting clients as they shop for food. Food bank volunteers are asked to make a three-month commitment, with shifts available from 9-11:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 4:30-6 p.m. Wednesdays.

• Volunteer tasks in the thrift store include sorting and hanging clothing, putting priced items on the sales floor and merchandising. Volunteers can drop in from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily.

• Front desk volunteers will be trained to work shifts on weekdays. Spanish speakers are encouraged to volunteer.

COVID-19 vaccines are required for all volunteers. Please see our website sistercarmen.org and contact info@sistercarmen.org, or call 303-665-4342 ext. 142 to volunteer.


Streetscape provides weekly outreach every Friday afternoon from 2:30 -3:30 p.m. at Central Park to people in need. The organization provides a hot meal, hygiene and first aid, and weather-appropriate clothing. Streetscape advocates for mental health and treatment services while offering resource navigation, referrals to mental health and addiction services and pathways to stable housing. The group is accepting any winter-related items like jackets, blankets and handwarmers. Hygiene, including feminine, is always needed. Reach out to streetscapeboulder.org to make donation arrangements or to support its efforts.

Virtual volunteer opportunities

• Sister Carmen: Community members are invited to host virtual friends and family food drive. Information: sistercarmen.org/food-donations.

To inquire about adding a listing, email Gayle Walker at gayle.walker@unitedwaydenver.org.