When it comes to dogs meeting with and playing with other dogs, it’s important to keep a few things in mind.
First is making sure they get off on the right paw. A “proper” greeting of two unleashed dogs is characterized by a slow, steady approach with both dogs arcing away from each other, before they engage in the sniff protocol at the neck and/or backside. They shouldn’t stare at each other and one should not rush up to the other.
Running up and suddenly stopping is considered rude and even threatening in dog society.
After the greeting, one or both may perform a solicitation of play known as a play bow, or decide to go their separate ways. It’s your job to know when your dog is overwhelming another, or is concerned about another dog. When in doubt, recall your dog and demonstrate polite off-leash control.
If your dog decides to play, it’s important to know what “friendly” play looks like. In general, dogs that are playing will change roles of chaser and chase quite a bit. The play stops and starts with numerous “check-ins” and renewed play bows. Some dogs are quiet when they play, others vocal. Some breeds, such as Labradors and bully breeds, tend to be quite physical in their play. They can be vigorous and body slam other dogs. They’re still in “play mode” but the other dog may not agree. When dogs have incompatible play styles, they may have a hard time communicating with each other and trouble can erupt.
Dogs that body slam or mount other dogs are not necessarily trying to “dominate” the other dog. They might simply be bad at reading subtle canine body language. These behaviors are often the actions of young or adolescent dogs. When another dog snarls and snaps at such displays, the younger dog is being told to “mind their manners.”
Dog parks are popular places for dogs to run free and socialize with dog buddies. Unfortunately, they can also be a place where your dog can be traumatized or even injured if play is allowed to escalate out of control. You, as a responsible guardian, need to be watchful of both your dog and others. Serious problems can happen in an instant. Here are things to remember:
• Occasionally call your dog out of the play zone. Offer praise or a treat for coming and have your dog hang out with you for a minute or two. This gives your dog a chance to calm down.
• The park may be too overwhelming for shy or cautious dogs. Tail tucked? Crouching low and staying near you? Your dog is afraid and it’s time to leave.
• Manage the dogs’ behavior; don’t let them “work it out.” Many dogs learn bad habits at dog parks.
• Make sure your dog is not participating in or is a victim of crowd chasing. Know the signs that indicate a friendly chase is turning into a predatory situation and interrupt it immediately.
• Frequent dog park visits teach dogs they have the right to meet and greet other dogs at any time or place, because that’s what they get to do at the dog park. This can create leash reactivity problems.
• Dog parks are not for puppies or young dogs. They’re too vulnerable. Just like people, when young dogs experience trauma, it can stay with them for the rest of their lives.
• Playing fetch or other toy-based games are not a good idea at dog parks as some dogs may guard their toys from other dogs.
Most dogs love hanging out with their dog friends. Let’s make sure they do it safely.
Dawn Kovell is the director of behavior and training at Marin Humane, which contributes Tails of Marin and welcomes animal-related questions and stories about the people and animals in our community. Visit marinhumane.org, find us on social media @marinhumane, or email lbloch@marinhumane.org.