Time changes everything.

In 1951, Park Forest’s early residents overwhelmingly approved a $1.2 million bond issue to build a high school in their community. Two years later, the doors of Rich Township High School were opened in Park Forest. The building was considered a model of excellence. Oveta Culp Hobby, then the U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, attended a dedication for the facility on Dec. 6, 1953.

Less than 10 years later, Rich Central High School opened its doors in Olympia Fields and the Park Forest campus became Rich East. Another decade down the road, Rich South in Richton Park became the third high school in the district.

Now, some 70 years after that historic vote, Dist. 227 officials, who oversee the three high schools, said they are faced with costly building repairs and a rapidly diminishing student district population, which now stands at 3,000 students. As the oldest school in the district and the one with the fewest students — around 913, Rich East could be on the chopping block.

Last week, the district put forward six choices for discussion at the first of five community forums. The options range in cost from $170 million to make basic repairs to all three schools to a $400 million tab for making both repairs and upgrades for all three schools. There also is a proposal to upgrade two schools and tear down a third. Depending on the school, costs could range from $242 to $285 million.

One of the most controversial options, and the one that seems to be a poison pill, would be to buy an existing building to house students from all three schools. Such a move does not require voter approval or legislation. The most obvious place to go would seem to be Frankfort’s Lincoln-Way North High School, which was closed by the Lincoln-Way High School District 210 board in 2015.

Trust social media to run with the ball. The two most prevalent posts either favor saving Rich East at all costs or pulling the plug on the school. In reality, any of the three high schools could be at risk for closure.

It also could be that the threat of moving into an empty school building some 20 minutes away from Park Forest is merely a ploy to force voters to approve a more expensive solution. A carrot on a stick by the board is such a move would increase the total property tax bill by 1%, compared from an estimated 3 to 15%, depending on the option.

You only need to know that district officials said something needs to be done.

“We don’t have enough (students) for three buildings,” board member Cheryl Coleman said.

Alicia Evans, assistant superintendent for business and operations, said if nothing is done, expenses will rise and revenue fall.

“At some point, a decision will need to be made and actions will need to be taken,” Evans said.

Whatever decision is made, it will cost. Enrollment in the district is expected to decrease by some 300-plus students in the next eight years, which will lead to reduced funding from the state.

The second of the five forums is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday at the Dist. 227 office, 20550 S. Cicero Ave. Rich East will host a 6 p.m. forum July 2.
