LGBTQ+ community sans big government

Re “LGBTQ+ community comes together for holiday season” (Dec. 21):

Merry Christmas and happy Chanukah to the LGBTQ+ community. Pleased to see the newspapers coverage of these folks gathering to share holiday cheer on their own volution. America would be better off without government involved in these folks’ lives and keeping their issues out of politics. Ditto for their demands for superior rights over heterosexuals. Equality means leaving everyone alone, say I.

— Barry E. Zanck, Newport Beach

All of our tax dollars

The Biden administration’s spending before he leaves office is out of control. That’s all of our tax dollars being frittered away. These obvious attempts to thwart Trump’s incoming administration are an abomination, as both Democrats and Republicans pay taxes. Please pay attention, Democrats, as this is what they think of you. You are just the collateral damage of their process. To the people behind this wanton and profligate spending, because we know it’s not Biden, you are degenerates of the highest order. And, as my Bible says, your sins will find you out. You will not be able to escape what Elon and Vivek discover about you. You are in for a rude awakening. Bank on that.

— Roger Olsen, Burbank

New initiatives for L.A.’s MacArthur Park

Re “Politicians announce MacArthur Park plans” (Dec. 20):

Residents who live near the park are being promised huge expenditures via “collaboration between different levels of government.” In that sentence alone, one cannot help but note a problem. Why can’t the city of Los Angeles be responsible for its own city? Why do each of the five L.A. County supervisors have their own “discretionary” funds?

Why haven’t the addicts in the park received outreach? How dirty is the park and surrounding area that it requires three cleaning teams of 10 people each to get it back into shape? Los Angeles Mayor Bass and the entire L.A. City Council should be ashamed! Southern California News Group reported the problems with the MacArthur Park community back in 2023. Once this area is clean, how long before it is dirty again? The Echo Park cleanup went through several iterations and millions of dollars.

— Jacqueline Zuanich-Ferrell, Manhattan Beach