Aries (March 21- April 19): You’ve got a lot of ideas worth sharing. Fortunately, right now you a special gift of gab that might have been missing lately. It’s time to build new connections, especially the platonic kind. It’s also a good time for coming up with new ideas while improving old ones worth a second look.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Things may seem unclear for the time being. You’ll find it more difficult than usual to formulate ideas and get a clear picture of the world around you. But this is also a creative time, so let your mind wander. The less you try to define everything, the easier it is to make sense of it all.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): You’ve never met a stranger — at least, not for very long. The stars are helping you get in touch with people all over the world, literally or metaphorically. Don’t be shy about crowdsourcing opinions or solutions, even if you normally keep your plans to yourself.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): You’ve got a million ideas, but you only need one good one in order to succeed. Luckily, nothing can stop you right now, so you can speed past unnecessary drama and focus only on what is a viable, valuable use of your time. It would be wise to ask someone you respect for a bit of advice or feedback.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): It’s a good time to think outside the box. Whether you’re thinking about returning to school to further your education or diving into a subject of interest, focus on growing your worldview and absorb as much fresh knowledge as possible. The more you learn, the more you can earn down the line.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You’ve got the mind of a detective now, giving you the impetus to ferret out secrets and ensure that people say what they really mean. While you can indeed uncover some secrets or other hidden information, make sure you aren’t creating drama where it doesn’t exist.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): All kinds of relationships are up for inspection. This can pertain to romantic relationships, but professional and platonic ones are also included — don’t limit the type of people on your radar. It’s also an appropriate time for hashing important matters out to your satisfaction.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Time to get your life in order. You’re well-equipped to make progress at your job, but if it’s not satisfying you, new opportunities abound. Even if you’re not working right now, the people around you are likely more prepared to assist with any ongoing projects than they’d typically be.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Think about the things that bring you joy, then go get them. There has rarely been a better time to focus on fun. This can relate to romance, creativity or even the children in your life. Let yourself play like you used to and enjoy expressing yourself without worry.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19): Turn your attention toward the hearth. In time, there will be plenty of action and energy buzzing about under your roof. Consider home improvements or DIY projects. If you’re feeling extra social, though, go ahead and send out the invitations to whomever you like.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Your mind is leaping off in every direction starting today. This buzzing curiosity plates up plenty of things to do and people to see. The general pace of life will seem much quicker. Be sure to get out into the local community. New acquaintances have a lot to offer.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Get your mind on your money. Seek to better manage the money you already have while ferreting out fresh financial opportunities along the way. This time can present you with things to buy, but take your time and shop around. You can likely find some good deals when you put in the effort.