Aries: You are your top competition; focus on outdoing the previous version of yourself. You might be tempted to do something extravagant just to prove you can top someone else, but it may not be necessary.
Taurus: Your vibrant personality has a chance to shine today. If single, you might even catch the eye of someone special. However, don’t let your influence over others go to your head; let everyone have a chance to talk.
Gemini: Embrace a generous philosophy with open arms. Share samples of your work or demonstrate your leadership by setting a positive example. You’re at your best when you can share your knowledge and experience.
Cancer: Live a little. Enjoying life’s pleasures might be in the cards but be mindful not to cause conflicts by insisting on having everything your way. Take your time when doing things that require attention and focus.
Leo: Staying calm could earn you the respect of others. It may be easier to go along with the crowd and accept things with grace and a good attitude. You might not be able to change things so focus on what you can control.
Virgo: Not everything that glitters is gold. It may be wise to carefully analyze opportunities before moving forward. If a new enthusiasm or attraction catches your eye, seek second opinions and expert appraisals.
Libra: Someone or something might put a hold on your spontaneous nature. You may have a strong interest in the finer things in life. Be mindful of spending money and taking care of upcoming responsibilities.
Scorpio: The smaller the dog, the louder the bark. In any healthy competition, there will be winners and losers. Scorpios making decisions too soon might not get what they’ve wished for.
Sagittarius: Someone might gently ruffle your feathers to get you moving. This weekend may be great for social activities that involve any kind of physical exertion. Enjoy working out, sports, or dancing the night away.
Capricorn: Gauge when it’s appropriate to speak up versus when to keep things to yourself. You might learn a lot about someone or something but now may not be the time to reveal those secrets. Take your time.
Aquarius: Slow down when making decisions. Think things through before acting and stay focused on achieving your long-term goals. You might be tempted to make a rushed choice, but patience should serve you better.
Pisces: Your emotions might be susceptible to current events. You may strive to appear the accomplished professional, but your feelings could spill out at any moment. Acknowledge your sensitive side.
If Jan. 25 is your birthday: Your high spirits and enhanced energy levels may make you a natural born leader during the coming two weeks. Use your enthusiasm wisely; you may be tempted to take more risks. Focus on practical matters in February when your savvy observations could help you get ahead as you create business strategies and financial plans. Your commonsense approach to material success might help you make a few extra dollars in late March and early April. In April you could become restless for excitement and welcome unexpected changes to your routines. Being exposed to new people and ideas could brighten your days and alter your outlook in a positive way. This may possibly be a good time to make changes you have always wanted to make.
Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency