Drivers required to heed pedestrians in crosswalks

Friendly reminder, when you see someone waiting at a corner to cross the street, you are required to stop!

Seabright is extremely busy, and it needs more crosswalks. One was placed last year at Seabright and Logan; lights need to be added to that. People seem to think if there are no lights it’s optional to stop. I cross at Clinton Street frequently, and nine times out of 10, people avoid eye contact so they don’t have to stop. The other day, a woman driving a City of Santa Cruz pick-up drove right on by when we were clearly trying to cross.

We need more crosswalks that are lighted, and people need to stop either way. Also, never cross without making eye contact — that’s how people get hit in crosswalks.

This is common courtesy folks, stop for people trying to cross. You seriously can’t be in that big of a hurry!

— Robin DeAlvarez, Santa Cruz

SC status as Sanctuary City will end up badly

We don’t need illegal aliens hiding out in Santa Cruz, spending our resources on them, taking up our housing or suffering any related criminal activity. Valid claims of asylum more properly are pursued at legal ports of entry, not by criminal trespass.

The people have spoken, and the Trump mandate says generally they want them deported. Title 8, U.S. Code 1324 (iii) says it’s a felony if you harbor and conceal an illegal alien from immigration authorities, or impede immigration law enforcement.

The unjustifiable Sanctuary City status farce is going to end badly for Santa Cruz and we might as well get out in front and start acting like Americans that care about our nation by removing the shackles on law enforcement.

— Garrett Philipp, Santa Cruz

Exactly what is there to celebrate about Trump?

A letter writer last week celebrated the return of Trump to office so they can “drain the swamp” of the current administration.

Curious in that she seems to celebrate replacing those in “the swamp” with a twice-impeached, convicted felon who was found to have committed sexual abuse (and was even caught on tape bragging about it) and plans to bring into his administration someone accused of rape and another person accused of sexual assault. And that doesn’t even include Matt Gaetz, who turned down a position, probably because of the sex-with-a-minor case accusation hanging over him.

So “the swamp” is being drained and being replaced by what, exactly?

And God help us if another coronavirus pandemic strikes our country, as the Trump administration bungled the handling of that last time, resulting in deaths of several hundred thousands and the tanking of our economy under his watch. And he has nominated an anti-vaccine activist to be in charge of our country’s health?

So not sure why one wishes to celebrate the return of a Trump administration running our country, unless you somehow consider the COVID years the good ol’ days.

— Phil Hormel, Scotts Valley

Trump Derangement Syndrome on display

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) rages on. The political cartoon in the Nov. 27 Sentinel depicts a family that has it all, yet they let TDS ruin their happiness.

President Trump cannot undo or dilute any of the blessings they were shown to have in that cartoon. I feel truly sad for the many real folks who think like this.

Since the election, the Opinion Page has been full of TDS-fueled rants in commentaries and letters. On the same Nov. 27 page, a letter writer declared that Trump does not have a mandate. Hey, 312 Electoral College votes, winning the popular vote and sweeping all the swing states makes an undeniable statement.

He also asked why Trump scuttled the border security bill. Duh. That bill would have allowed thousands of undocumented persons per day into America.

He then called “most” of Trump’s cabinet picks “laughably incompetent.” Is he kidding? Some of Biden’s people are not only inept, but they’ve lied to us all along; e.g., “the border is secure.”

As Joe would say, “C’mon, man.”

— Richard Garwood, Aptos

Letters Policy

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