What we can learn from the UC Davis Arboretum
According to its website, “the horticultural staff of the UC Davis Arboretum have identified 100 tough, reliable plants that have been tested in the Arboretum, are easy to grow, don’t need a lot of water, have few problems with pests or diseases, and have outstanding qualities in the garden.”
This list, called the Arboretum All-Stars, can help gardeners choose the right plant from their easy-to-use recommendations by type (annual, perennial, tree, groundcover), size and exposure (sun, shade).
The UC Davis Arboretum also has a list of “future favorites.” These plants, identified by their horticulturalists, were chosen to thrive in our changing climate.
Some of my favorites from their “future favorites” are yarrow (Achillea ‘Moonshine’), blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis) and California fuchsia (Epilobium canum).
— katie martin, UC Marin Master Gardeners