Readers respond to Question of the Week:
What are your new year’s resolutions?
Hopeful that government can work together for the good of the country and the American people
The resolution I have for 2025 is that our two-party government puts aside its differences and works together for the good of America. We should follow the Constitution as it is written, without lawyers who attempt to bend it. A return to accurate reporting by the mainstream media without bias in favor of one party or another. Opinions are OK, as long as they are not invective. In everyday living, God’s principles are put back into favor, supported by all.
— Stephen Lucas, Van Nuys
Love more, be patient, kind and so much more
First, just as you thanked us readers, I would like to thank you for giving me/us the gift of your Question of the Week feature as well as Letters (to the Editor you print most other days.
Some retired people do crossword puzzles to keep their minds active. For me, researching and composing these opinion pieces is so much more productive and satisfying.
And as is usually the case, I learn far more myself than any information I might give others. And how humbling and rewarding it is if I actually get one printed. It’s like winning the lottery!
My resolutions for 2025 are the same ones that they were for 2024.
I want to love more, be more patient, more kind, quicker to listen, slower to speak and slower to become angry. And finally, I want to have a tender heart for those less fortunate. Happy New Year.
— David Ward, Anaheim
I resolve to keep writing letters about our congressional representatives
I resolve to keep writing letters that point out the weaknesses of the two Trump Republican congressional representatives in districts just east of Pasadena with the aim of flipping those districts like was done in several Southern California districts in 2018.
Political wisdom holds that the party out of the White House rebounds in the off-year election and there is no reason to believe 2026 will be any different.
— Ron Garber, Duarte