1. Lumbering and paper milling are two important economic activities in Missoula, a city located just south of the Flathead Indian Reservation, in which state? a) Wyoming b) Nebraska c) Montana

2. Chicle, an ingredient in chewing gum, is a sticky substance obtained from a tree native to which country? a) Mexico b) Jamaica c) Spain

3. Volcanoes in Taal Volcano Island National Park have erupted more than 30 times since the 16th century. This park is in which Asian island country named for a Spanish king? a) Philippines b) Papua New Guinea c) Indonesia

4. The most populous metropolitan area in the United States is at the mouth of the Hudson River. Name this city. a) New York City b) Los Angeles c) Chicago

5. Which of these African countries has the largest area? a) Gambia b) Burundi c) Algeria

6. Which river carries a greater volume of water? a)Amazon b) Ob c) Nile

7. Which country is home to more species of primates? a) Iceland b) Madagascar c) Canada

8. In 1768, the Gurkhas captured a city in a Himalayan valley and made it their capital. Name this capital city. a) Kathmandu b) Dushanbe c) Dhaka

9. Which country reinforced security barriers along its border with Yemen in an effort to stop illegal immigration? a) Pakistan b) Saudi Arabia c) Oman

10. Which country does not border Panama? a) Honduras b) Costa Rica c) Colombia


1. Montana, 2. Mexico, 3. Philippines, 4. New York City, 5. Algeria, 6. Amazon, 7. Madagascar, 8. Kathmandu, 9. Saudi Arabia, 10. Honduras

Questions provided by the National Geographic Bee. Visit nationalgeographic.org/education/student-experiences/geobee/study/quiz