• Roger Barr: “As a professional writer, I’ve worked with dozens of editors over the years. Hands down, Ann Regan is the best I ever worked with. If she hadn’t chosen to be an editor, she could easily have been a diplomat for the State Department. She’s fearless in her critiques, yet at the same time, she’s willing to listen to a defense and change her mind. She possesses an unparalleled ability to get inside a writer’s head and work almost invisibly to improve a manuscript.”

• Kathryn Kysar: “Ann Regan is a book doula, a master at massaging a manuscript, easing the process, and supporting her authors for the best outcomes possible. She is sensitive, insightful, sharp and honest, Blunt or sympathetic as needed. Ann has shaped the literary landscape in Minnesota, one book at a time.”

• Danny Klecko: “I have been lucky enough to work on several projects with MNHSP. During times when I felt overwhelmed or out of place, I found myself ducking into Regan’s office because five minutes with her calm and patience more often than not put me back on track. Ann Regan is more than a regional legend. She’s a national treasure.”

• Christopher P. Lehman: “Ann was the editor for my most recent books, ‘Slavery’s Reach: Southern Slaveholders in the North Star State’ and ‘It Took Courage: Eliza Winston’s Quest for Freedom.’ As I worked with her, she made me a better researcher and a better storyteller. She has my eternal thanks for taking a chance on my proposals and guiding me through their fruition.”