WASHINGTON >> House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is nothing if not a political survivor.

Underestimated from the start, the Republican who cruised around his California hometown of Bakersfield and stumbled into a career in Congress was never taken too seriously by the Washington establishment.

With overwhelming House passage of the debt ceiling and budget deal he negotiated with President Joe Biden, the emergent speaker proved the naysayers and eye-rollers otherwise. A relentless force, he pushed a reluctant White House to the negotiating table and delivered the votes from his balky House GOP majority to seal the deal.

“You still ask the same questions each week: Do you think you can pass the bill this week. Do you think you will still be speaker next week,” McCarthy chided reporters after Wednesday’s late night vote.

“Keep underestimating us,” he said, “and we’ll keep proving to the American public that we’ve never given up.”

It’s a turn-of-the-narrative for McCarthy who came to office viewed as one of the weakest House speakers in modern memory, but has strengthened his grip on power during the debt ceiling fight.

While hard-right conservatives are still reviving calls for McCarthy’s ouster, complaining the deal he struck with Biden did not go far enough in their demands to cut spending, their voices are muted for now, lacking the numbers needed to execute their plan.

And perhaps most importantly for McCarthy, who has worked hard to maintain a relationship with Donald Trump, the former president gave a subdued nod of approval to the deal struck by the ally he used to affectionately call “My Kevin.”

“I would have taken the default if you had to, if you didn’t get it right,” Trump said Wednesday on Iowa radio.

“But that’s not where they were going. And I think it was an opportunity, but it was also — they got something done. Kevin worked really hard, everybody worked very hard, I mean, with a lot of good intention.”

The 58-year-old arrives at this moment after an unexpected path to power, landing in Congress in 2007 a rare Republican from liberal California, among a small class of GOP freshmen who bucked that election’s Democratic wave. He rose swiftly to leadership as a political strategist running the party’s campaign arm in the House, not a policy wonk.

But after suddenly dropping out of the speaker’s race in 2015 to replace John Boehner after an earlier generation of hard-right Republicans drove the then-speaker to early retirement, McCarthy tried again at the start of this year once Republicans swept to power in last fall’s midterm elections.

Over a grinding week in January, McCarthy bartered, bargained and blustered his way into the powerful speaker’s office with the history-making spectacle of 14 failed votes. He finally claimed the gavel on the 15th try, after wearing out his colleagues and conceding to many of his hard-right critics’ demands for power sharing.

Those same hard right Republicans now threaten McCarthy’s every move.

Powered by the House Freedom Caucus, the conservatives’ ability to try ousting the speaker is baked into the House rules, a concession McCarthy made to win the gavel. It gives any single lawmaker to call for a vote to “vacate the chair” and bounce the speaker with a majority House vote.

Deeply frustrated by the debt ceiling deal McCarthy cut with Biden, the hard-right conservatives immediately flexed their power this week threatening to remove him from office.