Speak Out allows readers to comment on the issues of the day. Email Speak Out at speakout@southtownstar.com or call 312-222-2427. Please limit comments to 30 seconds or about 120 words and give your first name and your hometown.

Many Republicans are getting ready to challenge the certification of the Electoral College, the Inauguration Committee is doing nothing. They are living in Trump’s alternate reality world. The problem with reality TV is that it is scripted, life is not. These Republicans are part of the reason over 320,000 people have died and believe that they can ignore what 180+ million voters want. They may want to live in Trump’s alternate reality, the rest of us don’t.

D., Chicago

The news media will treat Biden like they did Obama, king of the U.S. No news conference, no coverage of Biden or Biden junior China deals. There will be no Biden bashing. The media will bash Trump until he dies.

John, Chicago Heights

Newspaper columnist Ted Slowik reminds me of Judy, Beaver Cleaver’s classmate on the old TV show, “Leave it to Beaver.” She is the first to announce when someone does something wrong. She is always quick to stand up and announce when she does something right. Back then she would be called a snitch, or a tattle tale. Now, she would a virtue signaler.

M, Oak Forest

Ever noticehow a living language like English evolves. For example: When did “a problem” become “problematic?” When did “effectiveness” become “efficacy?” And when did so many people start their response to a question with the word “so?”

Tom, New Lenox

This is for Jim of Oak Lawn. Guess what. I’m glad Lightfoot is not my mayor. And by the way, I must have hit a button for you to get so upset for telling the truth about Lightfoot. I lived in Chicago for 45 years, so I think I can say what people are doing there are wrong.

Ken, Burbank

In response to the comments about Ken from Burbank. The reason we have an opinion about a mayor of Chicago by the name of Lori Lightfoot is because we border Chicago and all the problems from Chicago spill over Cicero Avenue into Burbank. So when we talk about Lightfoot and Chicago we’re really talking about ourselves. Because every stupid march and every stinking protest ends up going west of Cicero Avenue and we have to deal with the silliness of Chicago.

Tom, Burbank