Complete the book title with a color. (e.g., “____ Eggs and Ham,” by Dr. Seuss. Answer: Green.)

Freshman level

1. “____ Beauty,” by Anna Sewell

2. “Anne of ____ Gables,” by L.M. Montgomery

3. “A Clockwork ____,” by Anthony Burgess

Graduate level

4. “The Color ___,” by Alice Walker

5. “Fifty Shades of ____,” by E.L. James

6. “The Hunt for ____ October,” by Tom Clancy

Ph.D. level

7. “_____ Fang,” by Jack London

8. “The Man in the ____ Suit,” by Agatha Christie

9. “Into the ____,” by Andrea Curtis

Answers: 1. Black. 2. Green. 3. Orange. 4. Purple. 5. Grey. 6. Red. 7. White. 8. Brown. 9. Blue.

— North America Syndicate