Many stretches of newly paved sidewalks can be seen throughout Griffith, and the town will continue its paving program well into the fall.
Reporting on the progress of the work at Tuesday’s Griffith Town Council meeting, Public Works Director Andy Raab said there are two separate paving contracts ongoing and are both about 97% complete.
He did acknowledge an unintended and unanticipated consequence of the sidewalk installations, that being a proliferation of weeds sprouting up along either side of the fresh cement. The weeds have been a common occurrence around town, which has been the subject of extensive social media conversations and debate among residents both affected and unaffected by the troublesome vegetation.
“We don’t like to see any of it,” Raab said. “Last year, we saw a little bit.”
He explained that drought-like weather this summer caused weeds to sprout up before the seeding placed by the town’s paving contractors had a chance to germinate. Because certain types of weeds grow quicker than grass seed, they can take over.
Raab urged residents with fresh dirt and seed along their sidewalk to frequently water the area. Those who did were likely able to hold back the weeds or they did a lot of weed picking.
He emphasized that the soil and seed was not an inferior mix and in fact the Public Works Department conducted soil testing to ensure that was not the case. Some residents have even planted their own sod along their new sidewalks while others added extra seed and starter fertilizer.
Raab said he understood why some residents were surprised that weeds sprouted and grew so quickly, and that it may be difficult for some people to reverse course and get their grass going. Therefore, residents may contact the Public Works Department to have a crew go out and touch up areas inundated with weeds.
Griffith Public Works can be contacted at 219-924-3838.
Jim Masters is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune.