I just saw on the so-called news of the Oak Lawn police arrest of the person who disobeyed a lawful order and ran. Officers caught him, he did not comply with their orders and was attempting to get his hands inside a bag. Officers hit him a few times for compliance as they feared for their safety and, after immobilizing him, found a loaded handgun in the bag. His mommy was so upset with the police, but apparently not at all upset her 17-year old was carrying a loaded gun, disobeyed the police, resisted arrest and appeared to be trying to access the gun.
Dan, Palos Heights
I got an idea regarding how to stop police from aggravating the “innocence” of juvenile offenders found. The answer is parents should teach their kids to respect the police and cooperate when they’re stopped and not give them a lot of back talk, a reason to believe that they may have a firearm in their possession. It’s ridiculous to continue to condemn the police for taking a precautions against becoming a statistic themselves. Teach your kids respect for the police. cooperate with the police. This is something they should learn from childhood.
Sal, Oak Lawn
Just wondering, in order to stop the spread of monkeypox, why don’t public health officials advise men to stop having sex with men? Just temporarily. Seems like common sense. Not politically correct?
Pat, Lemont
Until we vote the Democrats out of office in all Illinois, especially in Chicago, nothing will change. Until people finally wake up and stop voting for Democrats, Illinois will continue to have high taxes, Chicago will always have high crime. It has been since 1932 we’ve had a Republican mayor. Don’t you think it’s time for a change?
Bob, Frankfort
An article about Cook County sheriff’s police on there being nearly 20,000 revoked firearms owner’s identification cards in the county that still allow someone to purchase guns and ammo. Surely there is a way to make a list of all FOID cards in one database and when someone’s FOID is revoked to put a red box with revoked on the person’s name. It’s really not rocket science.
Linda Orland Park