Team building strengthens trust, communication and conflict resolution. Which, in turn, helps organizations function more collaboratively and productively.

When people feel heard, supported and valued by their peers, they perform at a higher level. When teams collaborate seamlessly, they build trust, foster a sense of belonging and build engagement. Successful team building breaks down silos, encourages collaboration, cooperation, innovation and efficiency. Whether you are trying to improve communication, creativity or morale, there are plenty of fun team-building options. The following work activities will unite people and boost engagement.

1. Team sports: Your workplace can host an annual sporting event, such as kickball, or participate in a local sports league to play more frequently. Think volleyball, ping pong, soccer, flag football, capture the flag, pickleball, softball, charity runs or laser tag. Plus, these are all great ways to improve employee health and happiness, and they can create fun memories.

2. Happy hour: Grab a drink or share a meal after the workday. The informal setting is perfect for team bonding and stress relief. Celebrate achievements and break down hierarchies. Be sure to offer sober-friendly options, so people with different preferences don’t feel pressure.

3. Office trivia: Learning and laughing together encourages higher levels of cognitive skills. Thinking on your feet and competing in a friendly environment boosts team spirit and contributes to a positive and dynamic workplace culture.

4. Volunteering: Most great leaders encourage employees to volunteer to give back to their community. Still, it’s also a great team building activity. Traveling offsite to help others offers employees meaningful shared experiences.

5. Host a lunch and learn: These foster camaraderie while increasing shared knowledge. Choose from various topics, like presentation communication, web design or industry-specific trends. This activity helps teams work together more effectively and gives employees unique opportunities for personal development and growth.

6. Host a hackathon: Often used in software development and technology, hackathons stimulate team collaboration, innovation and problem-solving skills in a fast-paced environment. Choose a complex problem and get your team together for an all-hands discussion to solve it. Encourage creativity, innovation, and autonomy to get the most team-building benefits.

7. Start a book club: Books can range from work-related topics to more personal ones and some in between. Put out snacks and beverages to encourage attendance and a positive experience. The more people you get to attend, the more diverse perspectives and conversations you will have.

8. Company retreat or event: Defining clear team building goals for the retreat or event ensures productivity. No matter how casual the event is, it’s essential to define your goal, even if it’s better communication or less stress.

9. Schedule coffee breaks: Set up 15 minutes to chat and connect without pressure or big goals. Free coffee and tea in the office or a gift card for remote employees is the perfect incentive for folks to take a break and get to know each other.

10. Memory wall: Hand out pens and paper and have everyone write down a positive memory shared with someone in the room. Partner up with whomever you share the memory with and draw it together. Everyone can share their stories and hang the memories around the office to spread positivity and inspiration.

11. Mindfulness and wellness challenge: Mindfulness activities help people manage stress, conflict and communication more productively, saving the whole team time. Being mindful together also improves team members’ connections and improves overall employee well-being.

Pick one or two activities to start, see if the team building comes naturally. Ask for feedback often, measure results, and adjust as necessary.

Bob Helbig is media partnerships director at Energage, a Philadelphia-based employee survey firm. Energage is The Denver Post’s survey partner for Top Workplaces. To nominate your company as a Top Workplace, go to