Complete the title with a geographical location. (e.g., “The _____ Kid,” by Stephen King. Answer: Colorado.)

Freshman level

1. “A Passage to _____,” by E.M. Forster

2. “A Tree Grows in ____,” by Betty Smith

3. “Out of ____,” by Karen Blixen

Graduate level

4. “The Plot Against ____,”by Philip Roth

5. “The Bridges of ____ County,” by Robert James Waller

6. “Death in ____,” by Thomas Mann

Ph.D. level

7. “Fear and Loathing in ____,” by Hunter S. Thompson

8. “The ____ Stories,” by Christopher Isherwood

9. “A Small Town in ____,” by John le Carre.

Answers: 1. India. 2. Brooklyn. 3. Africa. 4. America. 5. Madison. 6. Venice. 7. Las Vegas. 8. Berlin. 9. Germany.

— North America Syndicate