As many people lined up along Colorado Boulevard in the lilac hours of the early dawn New Year’s Day, furry friends and faces were in attendance along with their owners.
Some were adorned in collars made of roses, and others snuggled up in bright sweaters as they waited for the parade to begin.
“April is an unofficial ‘official’ Rose Parade dog who loves the attention,” a parade attendee said about her dog.
Excitement and wagging tails hung in the air as furry attendees took one last sniff as floats headed toward the parade route.
As the floats lined up for the parade, dogs of every breed, age, and size could be seen simultaneously lining up for some of the best seats along the route — with their owners.
Pooches were also featured in the parade, though covered in petals, seeds and bark.
Dogs were featured on floats from the City of Alhambra, Cal Poly Universities, the Illinois Office of Tourism and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
The Pasadena Humane/Hill’s Pet Nutrition float, in the spirit of equal time, includes both dogs and cats, as did the Rotary entry.
Also in attendance was an official Anheuser-Busch Dalmatian sitting atop the carriage pulled by the company’s familiar Clydesdale horses.
By the way, that tally did not count the Fresno State Bulldog Marching Band.