Pomona teacher Mireya Jimenez is known for her close ties to students.

Consider what happened when Jimenez learned she had been named the California Association for Bilingual Education’s 2025 teacher of the year.

“When (Jimenez) received the call, she put it on speaker so her kids could hear, and the room filled with their cheering and clapping,” Juan Ortiz, Pomona schools’ director of English learner and multilingual student programs, said in a news release. “She is deeply connected to her students and helps them take risks.”

Jimenez’s 30 years at the Pomona Unified School District’s Westmont Elementary School has built that bond.

“I have literally taught multiple students whose parents have been my students, so I know the families, I know the communities,” the sixth grade Spanish dual-language immersion teacher said in the release.

Jimenez said she has high expectations of students but balances that out with fun and silliness in the classroom.

“It’s not just about the subject matter; it’s about making that connection with them, letting them know somebody cares about them,” she said in the release.

After joining the district, she continued her education at Pomona College and Claremont Graduate University.

“Her deep ties to Spanish culture and the Pomona community allow her to shape a curriculum that embraces students’ diverse backgrounds, ensuring lessons are both relevant and engaging,” the release states.

Jimenez is set to receive the award at the Walnut-based nonprofit organization’s 50th anniversary conference in Long Beach that starts March 26.

The award includes a plaque and $1,000.