Readers respond to Question of the Week: Should Kamala Harris be our next governor?
I would seriously consider Kamala Harris as our next governor of California
I would be inclined to give her serious consideration to be our next governor over the candidates who have announced their intent to run for the office. She did a good job stepping up and running for president on short notice.
My only concern would be that she promise not to use the office as a springboard to run for president in 2028 and fulfill her four-year term.
I would not like an appointed replacement as I think that’s a bad road to drive.
— Duane Hammer, Compton
Please, no way would I want to see her there
Kamala Harris has been a disaster — as an attorney general, as a vice president and as a candidate for president.
The campaign for president was a disaster in many ways. She ended the campaign in serious debt, she was not able to answer any questions from interviewers.
She said she would not change anything that Biden did in the last four years! She was the “border czar” and did nothing to stop illegal immigration. Her communication skills can be described as “The Word Salad Queen.”
The state of California deserves better than Kamala! We need better than Kamala for growth and prosperity to return to California. She is not a leader.
— Ellie S. MacMullin, Pasadena
Ummm … no
Vice President Harris has demonstrated her complete inability to run this country, and it is frightening to think people would vote for her to further damage California.
She failed to make it to the 2020 Iowa primary with 2% support.
Biden selected her to check race and gender boxes and not because she was qualified. Harris was a disaster as border czar, she boasted about supporting Biden in his failures (e.g. Afghanistan), she hid from the press and couldn’t talk coherently without a script.
She blasted through more than a billion dollars in donations, left her campaign in serious debt and continues to beg for money. Oh ... and that laugh. This is the person we want to lead our state? Ummm ... no!
— Kathy Gonzalez, Redondo Beach