In a major pairs event at the ACBL Summer Championships in Toronto (reported by Brian Glubok), today’s declarer overlooked a textbook play, but one quite easy to miss.

Against South’s contract of four diamonds, West led the king of spades, and declarer took dummy’s ace. East signaled encouragement. How should declarer continue?

South led a trump next, and West took the ace and led a second spade to dummy’s queen. Having encouraged in spades at the first trick, East followed with the deuce, his lowest spade, suggesting strength in the low-ranking suit. When South drew trumps and led a heart, West took the ace and duly led a low club, and East won with the king and cashed the jack of spades. Down one.

If South looks farther ahead, he can lead a club at Trick Two, attacking the suit in which East is most likely to have an entry. Then the fortunate fall of the jack of hearts will give declarer a spade discard.

The play South missed is a variation of a “scissors coup,” in which declarer maneuvers to break up the defenders’ communication.

Daily question: You hold: ? K 8 ? A 8 7 5 3 ? A 7 ? A Q 7 3. You open one heart, and your partner bids one spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

Answer >> Though you have 17 good points, you cannot force to game (with a jump-shift of three clubs) or even strongly invite with 2NT. Partner may have a minimum responding hand with six points, and some players would act with fewer. Bid two clubs and hope partner can bid again if you have a game. The wide range of opener’s non-jump change of suit is a weak area of “standard” bidding.

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