Aries: Be cautious of offers that may seem too good to be true. Someone might see the potential in your abilities, possibly leading to opportunities beyond your wildest dreams. Think about ways to improve your skills and money-making activities.

Taurus: You love deeply but may crave independence and the freedom to express yourself. Your priorities could suddenly shift, so your goals might need to undergo a period of adjustment. Enjoy being the center of favorable attention.

Gemini: Recent turmoil or misunderstandings might be on your mind. Even if you have the most informed and unbiased opinion, voicing it could create more tension. Be thoughtful and considerate and everyone might decide to follow your lead.

Cancer: Sealing a deal might require extra effort and negotiation. While loved ones may understand and appreciate your ambition, some might take offense if you push too hard. Consider new agreements very carefully before signing.

Leo: While home is where the heart is, you can also expand your support system beyond your own four walls. Consider building friendships and broadening your social circle. You might meet someone who becomes a positive influence in your life.

Virgo: Some wild goose chases may have happy endings. Although you must be cautious of dazzling displays of decadence or making investments of little value, you could still learn and benefit from the process of making crucial choices.

Libra: Most people trust people who have proved their dependability. You could be disappointed if someone doesn’t seem to trust you despite your best efforts.

Scorpio: Embrace the change of pace with grace. You might be offered a chance to try something adventurous or spend time with daring friends who push your boundaries. Seek a quiet spot for work or study so you can complete your tasks.

Sagittarius: Use your charm to its fullest. You might find an ideal moment to share your deepest feelings and aspirations.

Capricorn: Don’t sweat the small stuff. It could be a matter of making the big dream real or achieving a lifelong ambition that is most important to you right now.

Aquarius: You may feel inspired to start ambitious new projects that previously seemed impossible. Your openness could lead to unexpected rewards, including the chance to realize a dream or meet someone who may help you achieve your goals.

Pisces: Look for the lesson. You might receive a phony offer or a ruse but don’t lose your enthusiasm or sense of purpose. Take the chance to embrace new opportunities to show off your leadership abilities through creative activities.

If Sept. 19 is your birthday: Enjoying exciting people and learning about unique ideals could be the top priority during the next three to four weeks. Your happiness may depend upon breaking up with the past and forging forward on a new track. Exposure to the latest trends might help you reinvent yourself as you realign your goals with current thinking.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency