President-elect Donald Trump, left, and President Barack Obama meet Thursday at the White House. ( Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP )
What's Quickly? It's where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.
I am so sick and tired of you crybabies crying about Trump. Get a life. He will be our president for the next four years. Give the guy a chance. I gave Obama a chance, and that didn't work out. So let's see what happens.
Many of those Trump followers fall into the same category. They are old white men who want to blame everyone else for their shortcomings. In Trump, they see someone who offers them a fantasy of reclaiming their masculine power.
For all of you who expect a different Donald Trump now that he won the election, let me remind you that a leopard doesn't change its spots. Once a leopard, always a leopard. He is already backtracking on the ACA.
I wonder when this country will be changing its name to the United States of Russia.
Who is the more buffoonish of world leaders? Donald Trump or Kim Jong-un.
You must be easily brainwashed. I don't know which government you are talking about, but my government is not trying to control every aspect of my life. Take the foil hat off once in a while and get some fresh air.
Everyone kept asking Trump will you accept the results of the election? Guess they should have been asking Hillary too. Her supporters sure aren't accepting it.
Politics have devolved into a shouting match where no one listens to anyone they don't already agree with.
Men and women were put on this earth to work together. Nobody is any better than the other. The sooner that is accepted the better we all will be.
These Democratic liberals don't like to lose, and we should have the right to gloat a little bit when were right. All they are doing is giving free thinker like me a chance to see what they're really like when things don't go their way. It's not bragging when you can back it up, and I think we proved it with President Trump. Good luck rebuilding the Democratic party; you just turned the Republican party into the people's party.
To the White Sox fan: A backhanded compliment is nothing more than an insult. If you can't offer a compliment without adding a disclaimer, why bother? Your seething jealousy is hard to hide.
The American voters have sent a message to our do-nothing, dysfunctional and incompetent government and are increasingly open to electing third party or outsider candidates. Trump was elected out of the voters' frustration with our corrupt and rigged two-party political system, lobbying and gridlocking. They were fed up and ready to try a different type of candidate. The Congress better wake up and start doing their jobs or another party may come to power like the socialists.
I voted for Donald Trump as a vote against Hillary Clinton because Hillary's campaign was funded by corrupt union funding. I have seen too many good jobs shipped overseas by union shenanigans — including the best job I ever had. The days of the free ride have come to an end. Those with motivation and skills will be rewarded by Republican policies.
There should be a law that anyone running for federal office should not be able to hold their assets in off-shore tax havens. They should be in American banks, subject to American taxes laws.