Endorsement for Xochitl Rodriguez Murillo for District 3 Yolo County Supervisor

The upcoming March 5, 2024 Primary Election offers District 3 voters in Woodland, Broderick, and Bryte a choice between two highly qualified candidates.

While both have dedicated their lives to public service, there are objective differences in their career paths and lived experience in carrying out the responsibilities of public office.

After speaking with both individuals, my endorsement goes to Xochitl Rodriguez Murillo. Serving as a Sgt. in the U.S. Army Reserve since 2012, her multiple deployments and ongoing military commitment reflect a particular courage and character.

Her dedication to veterans and their families, a priority we share, is evident in her current role as CalVet Deputy Secretary for Minority Veterans Affairs.

Further, Rodriguez Murillo’s extensive staff experience in the California State Legislature, along with local roles as Woodland City Councilmember and Mayor, position her to serve Yolo County effectively. Established relationships and familiarity with intergovernmental affairs obviate any learning curve in getting things done.

A final note: this election also presents a choice between legacy and change, and a chance to make history by electing the first Latina and only the second woman of color to the Yolo County Board of Supervisors.

While I remain humbled by being the first woman of color elected to the Board 20 years ago, I believe we are past due when representation matters in the rooms where decisions are made.

On March 5, 2024, please cast your vote for Xochitl Rodriguez Murillo for District 3 Yolo County Supervisor.

— By Mariko Yamada, Retired California State Assemblymember, District 4, Yolo County

Thoughts on Measure M

If you’ve seen “No on Measure M” signs around town here’s what it’s all about.

Measure M benefits wealthy developers. The City Council put Measure M on the ballot with only 24-hour notice and no public outreach. I wonder why.

The City LOST a local citizen’s lawsuit challenging the floodwall this summer. So the city is taking another path for approval.

The dollars referred to in Measure M have NOT been committed by state or federal government 2024 budgets. If the City cannot secure funds for the Floodwall, they must float local bonds at our expense.

The City must FOREVER pay to maintain this Floodwall and be held liable for any resulting property damage it causes. Potentially exposing Woodland to millions in damages.

A Mega-developer has paid $18,000 to promote “Yes” on Measure M. A “yes” vote on M would allow this developer to pull thousands of acres of farmland out of the 100-year floodplain and develop more urban sprawl.

We absolutely need a plan for flood control. A sensible plan that benefits the citizens of Woodland including our important agricultural community, not wealthy developers creating more urban sprawl. There are already plans to rebuild the Cache Creek levees back to their original design capacity. So why is this new Floodwall even necessary?

Don’t be fooled. Vote No on Measure M!

— By Alix Despard, Woodland