

Can you guess the type of business (product or services) by the company name? (e.g., Florist Gump. Answer: Flowers.)

Freshman level

1. Harris on Ford

2. Curl Up & Dye

3. Tree Wise Men

Graduate level

4. Jean-Claude Van Man

5. Jack the Clipper

6. Fishcotheque

Ph.D. level

7. Pane in the Glass

8. Vlad the Inhaler

9. Sew It Seams

Answers: 1. Ford car repairs. 2. Hair salon. 3. Tree services (arborist). 4. Movers. 5. Barber. 6. Fish and chips. 7. Windows and doors. 8. Electronic cigarettes. 9. Clothing alterations.

— North America Syndicate